Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here  (Read 59079 times)

Offline Toz1k

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2014, 12:36:21 AM »
Its some kind of magic, but i got crashes only two times.
Today I have finished 3 matches (6 players, about 40-70 minutes per match) and everything was fine.
I wonder, if it is necessary to force all cores and memory to be used by game in settings.

Offline inori

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #31 on: November 29, 2014, 12:39:26 AM »
Yes, I checked it. Seems that i have to wait for the next patch, cause i don't know how to use Corsix's Studio and what aitactics is.

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2014, 05:57:47 AM »
Its some kind of magic, but i got crashes only two times.
Today I have finished 3 matches (6 players, about 40-70 minutes per match) and everything was fine.
I wonder, if it is necessary to force all cores and memory to be used by game in settings.
If I remember correctly, CoH is not optimized to use more than one core so that isn't going to help.

Yes, I checked it. Seems that i have to wait for the next patch, cause i don't know how to use Corsix's Studio and what aitactics is.
You don't need corsix, you can use notepad and the file is "Eastern_Front\Data\ai\tactics\".
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline inori

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2014, 12:46:38 PM »
I fixed it. Now i have no freezes, but crash reports :(
I didn't find ailog file with the time of crash

Offline CoHEF

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2014, 02:42:30 PM »
-- Log file for all dbTracef messages --

13:57:49.79   AppInitNetwork::InitSteam: Initializing Steam...
13:57:49.79   AppInitNetwork::InitSteam: Steam has been initialized.
13:57:49.79   RLINK -- NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
13:57:50.83   RLINK -- WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - initializing
13:57:50.83   RLINK -- RLink::WorldwideLoginService::LongPoller::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
13:57:50.83   RLINK -- WinTransport - CreateSocket exclusive broadcast socket was available.
13:57:50.83   RLINK -- WinTransport - CreateSocket listening for broadcasts on default port
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- WinTransport - Host Name: Игорь-ПК, aliases: , type=AF_INET, len=4
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- WinTransport - Host IP Address #0:
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- WinTransport - Interface #0: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_MULTICAST
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- SessionManager - Peer Header Size = 15 bytes
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- SessionManager - Game Data overhead = 4 bytes
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- SessionManager - Proxy overhead = 7 bytes
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- AutomatchInternal: Instantiating
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffe
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffb
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- RLink::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
13:57:50.85   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffd
13:57:50.91   Loaded 589 badwords from data:OnlineConfig\Badwords.lua
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000000
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000001
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000002
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000003
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000004
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000005
13:57:50.91   RLINK -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 00000006
13:57:50.93   GAME -- Available memory: 2007MB Physical RAM, 2245MB Pagefile, 2047 Virtual Address Space
13:57:55.14   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx10.dll'.
13:57:55.31   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
13:57:55.31   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:57:55.89   SPDx10 -- Adapter [Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family]: 32MB dedicated video memory, 96MB dedicated system memory and 652MB shared system memory.
13:57:58.35   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:57:58.57   SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX9 rendering device] version[4,36]
13:57:58.57   GAME -- Resolution set to 1366x768 (fullscreen).
13:57:58.63   SPDx9 -- Driver Name = igdumdx32.dll  Desc = Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
13:57:58.63   SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x8086  Device = 0x2A42  SubSys = 0xC059144D  Rev = 0x0009
13:57:58.63   SPDx9 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0007  Version = 0x000F  SubVersion = 0x00  Build = 15.40
13:57:58.63   SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B78E66-6902-11CF-F971-53E0A9C2CA35}
13:57:58.87   SPDx9 -- 764MB available Texture Memory
13:57:58.87   SPDx9 -- Unknown video driver, assuming [1] GPUs.
13:57:58.87   ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps30]
13:57:59.94   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
13:58:00.38   GameObjLoader 06b0fb08 - resetting counters
13:58:00.38   GameObjLoader 06b0fb08 - Created loader
13:58:00.38   GameObjLoader 06b0fc68 - resetting counters
13:58:00.38   GameObjLoader 06b0fc68 - Created loader
13:58:00.38   GAME -- Beginning FE
13:58:00.38   UIFrontEnd - Loading Front End
13:58:00.38   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:58:00.87   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:58:00.99   INNIMapDCA Key not found: sp_speechducker::time
13:58:01.95   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:58:01.95   UIFrontEnd - Initializing Forms
13:58:05.13   CampaignFilter::BindFilterSpecificWidgets()
13:58:05.40   Activating screen: MovieScreen
13:58:25.60   Activating screen: AppLoadingForm
13:58:25.60   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:58:27.08   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Высадка РІ Нормандии' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\COH.CAMP) with 15 missions, [coh]
13:58:27.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Освобождение Кан' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP1.CAMP) with 9 missions, [cxp1]
13:58:27.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Операция "РћРіРѕСЂРѕРґ"' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP2.CAMP) with 8 missions, [cxp2]
13:58:27.10   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Ущелье Фалаис' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC3.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc3]
13:58:27.10   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Дамба' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC2.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc2]
13:58:27.11   GAME -- Loaded campaign '"Сердце РўРёРіСЂР°"' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC1.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc1]
13:58:27.78   GAME -- Using player profile
13:58:35.23   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_multiply' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:58:38.00   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_depthadditive' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:58:39.63   RLINK -- NetworkManager::DispatchEvents() - Warning - Time between calls was 11856 ms
13:58:42.06   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:58:42.07   Activating screen: FEMovie
13:58:42.07   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
13:58:42.08   CRC & Version Info : 000002bc:a0c9f839:9233461d eastern_front:700:factionfix.dll 1
13:58:42.08   Logging in using Steam credentials...
13:58:42.08   Activating screen: FE_mm_01
13:58:42.10   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:58:42.10   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
13:58:42.10   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
13:58:42.11   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
13:58:42.11   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
13:58:42.11   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
13:58:42.11   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
13:58:42.12   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:58:42.12   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:58:42.12   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:58:42.12   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:58:42.12   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:58:42.12   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:58:42.13   RLINK -- Requesting ticket
13:58:42.13   RLINK -- SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 1
13:58:42.22   RLINK -- OnRequest app ticket returned N
13:58:42.22   RLINK -- SteamAuth received ticket at t=51402
13:58:42.22   RLINK -- SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 2
13:58:42.43   RLINK -- LoginAsync - response was failure:
13:58:42.43   RLINK -- Found 0 profiles for account
13:58:42.43   RLINK -- CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (1 in progress)
13:58:42.43   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:58:51.00   RLINK -- Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.0, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:59:28.68   Logging in using Steam credentials...
13:59:28.68   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:59:28.68   RLINK -- SteamAuthManager::GetAuthToken state ID : 3
13:59:28.86   RLINK -- LoginAsync - response was failure:
13:59:28.86   RLINK -- Found 0 profiles for account
13:59:28.86   RLINK -- CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (1 in progress)
13:59:28.91   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:59:28.91   RLINK -- starting offline hosting
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- SessionManager::RegisterSession - Registering RL_NEW session 0df7fc78
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Created Matchinfo for sessionID 18446744073709551614
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- OnJoinAdvertisementSuccess - joined online match, server leave notification required
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- starting local hosting
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Allocated route ID=0 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Session::Host sid = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE, hostURL = , local addresses = WINaddr:;
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Session::GetState - info, session [-2]'s state changed to [2:STATE_CONNECTING].
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- ValidateCustomData: called with 267 bytes of custom data
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address list=WINaddr:;, routes=WINaddr:;
13:59:29.00   RLINK -- WorldwideAdvertisementService::Process - EVENT_NEWPEER
13:59:29.02   RLINK -- local host PeerID 1 CONN ack=  0 (  0ms~0) unack=  0, retry=  0, highwaterOOS=0 @WINaddr:; (ping=0ms) 100.00%, pending=0, dead=0, RS#=0/0
13:59:29.02   RLINK -- MessageCounts: inval=0/0, seek=0/0, join=0/0, ichk=0/0, sk_r=0/0, deny=0/0, Padd=0/0, Pdel=0/0, drop=0/0, data=0/0, mdat=0/0, voip=0/0, rchk=0/0, nudg=0/0, Thdr=0/0, Peer=0/0, PPrx=0/0, ping=0/0, Pfrg=0/0, rely=0/0, lb_p=0/0, lb_c=0/0, cast=0/0, cdat=0/0, sorq1=0/0, sorp=0/0, acto=0/0, spob=0/0, sorq2=0/0
13:59:29.05   RLINK -- Session::GetState - info, session [-2]'s state changed to [3:STATE_CONNECTED].
13:59:29.05   RLINK -- Sending matchinfo change #2
13:59:29.05   RLINK -- Session Connection Event - ReasonID: 0 ReasonDebug: SessionOperationInfo::SUCCESS
13:59:29.05   RLINK -- HostAsync - got operation info 0:SessionOperationInfo::SUCCESS
13:59:29.08   RLINK -- hosting - Session is connected
13:59:29.13   RLINK -- HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
13:59:29.13   UIFrontEnd::StartRelicOnlineTabs deactivating FE_mm_01
13:59:29.13   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
13:59:29.13   GameSetupForm::SetScenarioFile -- 2p_angoville farms
13:59:29.14   GameSetupForm::OnMatchCategorySelected
13:59:29.14   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:59:29.15   GameSetupForm::OnMapSelected
13:59:29.15   GameSetupForm::SetScenarioFile -- 2p_angoville farms
13:59:29.16   RLINK -- WorldWidePartyService::SetVisible -- FALSE
13:59:29.17   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=2 expected FPS=100.000000, bars=5, max avg=0.000, sd=0.000, 0 samples =
13:59:29.18   Activating screen: RelicOnlineChat
13:59:29.18   Activating screen: RelicOnlineNewsScreen
13:59:29.18   Activating screen: RelicOnlineStatsScreen
13:59:29.18   Activating screen: Achievements
13:59:29.18   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
13:59:29.18   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
13:59:29.19   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
13:59:29.19   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
13:59:29.19   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
13:59:29.19   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
13:59:29.19   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:59:29.19   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:59:29.20   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:59:29.20   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:59:29.20   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:59:29.20   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:59:29.21   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:59:29.21   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:59:29.22   Activating screen: GameHistory
13:59:29.22   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
13:59:29.22   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
13:59:29.23   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
13:59:29.23   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
13:59:29.23   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
13:59:29.23   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
13:59:29.24   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:59:29.24   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:59:29.24   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:59:29.24   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:59:29.25   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:59:29.25   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:59:29.25   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
13:59:29.25   Activating screen: RelicOnlineTabs
13:59:29.25   GameSetupForm::OnAdvertisementEvent - AET_Host - Ignorning match making party event.
13:59:29.25   RLINK -- WorldwideAutomatchService::OnHostComplete - automatcher is no longer active - stopPollPending 0 automatchPollID 18446744073709551615
13:59:29.25   RLINK -- Sending matchinfo change #38
13:59:29.41   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:59:29.41   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #0 - [Id 1397509955, Value 0]
13:59:29.41   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #1 - [Id 1381192532, Value 0]
13:59:29.41   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #2 - [Id 1448105035, Value 1]
13:59:29.42   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #0 - [Id -2, Type 0, Team 0, Race 0]
13:59:29.42   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #1 - [Id -1, Type 1, Team 1, Race 1]
13:59:29.42   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #0 Player Count: 1
13:59:29.42   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #1 Player Count: 1
13:59:29.42   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Forcing singleplayer skirmish
13:59:29.43   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
13:59:29.43   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
13:59:29.44   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
13:59:29.44   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
13:59:29.44   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
13:59:29.44   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
13:59:29.45   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:59:29.45   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:59:29.45   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:59:29.45   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:59:29.46   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:59:29.46   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:59:29.78   RLINK -- OnlineStatsCache - response was failure:
13:59:30.31   RLINK -- TipsCache - response was failure:
13:59:30.82   RLINK -- NewsCache - response was failure:
13:59:34.73   GameSetupForm::OnMapSelected
13:59:34.73   GameSetupForm::SetScenarioFile -- 2p_duclair v1-3
13:59:34.76   RLINK -- WorldWidePartyService::SetVisible -- FALSE
13:59:34.77   RLINK -- Sending matchinfo change #49
13:59:34.91   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:59:34.91   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #0 - [Id 1397509955, Value 0]
13:59:34.91   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #1 - [Id 1381192532, Value 0]
13:59:34.91   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #2 - [Id 1448105035, Value 1]
13:59:34.92   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #0 - [Id -2, Type 0, Team 0, Race 0]
13:59:34.92   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #1 - [Id -1, Type 1, Team 1, Race 1]
13:59:34.92   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #0 Player Count: 1
13:59:34.92   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #1 Player Count: 1
13:59:34.92   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Forcing singleplayer skirmish
13:59:35.85   GameSetupForm - No win/loss reporting and only a single player, disconnecting
13:59:35.85   RLINK -- SessionID : fffffffffffffffe - Disconnect called with reasonID 1004 - only one player
13:59:35.85   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:59:35.85   RLINK -- SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:59:35.85   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #0 - [Id 1397509955, Value 0]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #1 - [Id 1381192532, Value 0]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #2 - [Id 1448105035, Value 1]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #0 - [Id -2, Type 0, Team 0, Race 0]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #1 - [Id -1, Type 1, Team 1, Race 1]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #0 Player Count: 1
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #1 Player Count: 1
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Forcing singleplayer skirmish
13:59:35.86   GameSetupForm - Starting game
13:59:35.86   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #0 - [Id 1397509955, Value 0]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #1 - [Id 1381192532, Value 0]
13:59:35.86   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Setting Option #2 - [Id 1448105035, Value 1]
13:59:35.87   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #0 - [Id -2, Type 0, Team 0, Race 0]
13:59:35.87   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Player #1 - [Id -1, Type 1, Team 1, Race 1]
13:59:35.87   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #0 Player Count: 1
13:59:35.87   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Team #1 Player Count: 1
13:59:35.87   PopulateGameInfoInternal - Forcing singleplayer skirmish
13:59:35.87   PopulateGameInfo - random seed:[1291546775], guid:[{1d4fd02a-3542-431c-9cd2-52c8298a57bc}], sync level:[2]
13:59:35.88   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:59:35.88   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:59:35.88   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: allies
13:59:35.88   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: 1
13:59:35.88   ModDllSetup::PlayerSetRewardUnits - playerIndex 0...
13:59:35.88   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: axis
13:59:35.88   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: 3
13:59:35.88   ModDllSetup::PlayerSetRewardUnits - playerIndex 1...
13:59:35.88   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:59:35.88   RLINK -- WorldWidePartyService::SetJoinable -- FALSE
13:59:35.88   RLINK -- SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:59:35.93   APP -- Game Start
13:59:35.93   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
13:59:35.93   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
13:59:35.93   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
13:59:35.93   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
13:59:35.94   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
13:59:35.94   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
13:59:35.94   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:59:35.94   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:59:35.95   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:59:35.95   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:59:35.95   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:59:35.95   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:59:35.96   GAME -- Ending FE
13:59:35.96   UIFrontEnd - Unloading Front End
13:59:36.00   SOUND -- Shutting down ...
13:59:36.08   SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
13:59:36.11   GAME -- *** Beginning mission 2p_duclair v1-3 (1 Humans, 1 Computers) ***
13:59:36.24   GAME -- Recording game
13:59:36.33   Activating screen: GameLoadScreen
13:59:36.33   ReportGameStartStats - no connection to server unable to report
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session::SchedulePeerRemove - Scheduling peerID: 1 to disconnect, reasonCode:1004, reason:only one player
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session Destroy Peer Event - ReasonID: 1004 ReasonDebug: only one player
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session::GetEvent DestroyPeer success Peer 1 removed, reasonCode 1004, reasonDebug only one player
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session::DestroyPeer - deallocating peer 1
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 1
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Deallocated route ID=2 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 2
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Closed route 2<>2 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- WorldwideAdvertisementService::Process - EVENT_DESTROYPEER
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- peerremove - peerIDRemoved=[ffffffff:fffffffe], reasonID=1004, reason debug hint - only one player
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session::GetState - info, session [-2]'s state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- PeerRemoveAll - flushing local session peer data
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Session::Reset with reason WorldwidePartyService::PeerRemoveAll
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- LeaveSessionInternal - no action taken, needLeave=0, service=2
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- Destroyed Matchinfo
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- SessionManager::UnregisterSession - Unregistering session 0df7fc78
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- OnDestroyPartyNotification - partyID = [ffffffff:fffffffe], prevID = [ffffffff:ffffffff]
13:59:36.55   RLINK -- ChatChannelCache - response was failure: We are not connected
13:59:36.56   RLINK -- Transport - Largest sent is now 8
13:59:36.58   RLINK -- Transport - Largest received is now 8
13:59:36.73   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:59:36.83   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:59:37.84   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:59:37.86   PHYSICS: detected processor(s) capable of handling 2 threads.
13:59:37.93   MOD -- Locating MOD for scenario 'DATA:scenarios\mp\classic\community\2p_duclair\2p_duclair v1-3'
13:59:37.93   MOD -- Using Mod 'Eastern_Front'
13:59:37.96   Unable to load/parse precache file [DATA:scenarios\mp\classic\community\2p_duclair\2p_duclair v1-3_precache.lua]
13:59:41.97   RLINK -- NetworkManager::DispatchEvents() - Warning - Time between calls was 4001 ms
13:59:42.13   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 1130
13:59:48.26   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 1130 to 1757
13:59:48.70   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
13:59:48.70   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
13:59:52.00   RLINK -- Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.0, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
14:00:07.93   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 41 to 3924
14:00:16.69   GameObjLoader 06b0fb08 - resetting counters
14:00:16.69   GameObjLoader 06b0fb08 - LOAD_DONE
14:00:16.69   GAME - SessionSetup
14:00:17.87   CommandBPDatabase - Unable to register function [splat_attach] due to missing CommandBP.
14:00:17.87   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget
  • of size 1024 x 1024

14:00:17.87   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [1] of size 1024 x 1024
14:00:20.14   GAME - CreateGEWorld in 3453 ms
14:00:20.31   TGAIO -- TGA file 'data:simulation/deformdata/Lock_deform.tga' is RLE compressed. For optimal speed, please re-save uncompressed.
14:00:20.58   GAME - SessionSetup finished in 3896 ms
14:00:20.58   RLINK -- NetworkManager::DispatchEvents() - Warning - Time between calls was 3898 ms
14:00:20.60   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup
14:00:20.60   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup finished in 0 ms
14:00:21.62   Regenerating ImpassMap data...
14:00:21.62       Impass Data was already valid, but regenerating...
14:00:21.73   Regenerating CanBuildMap data...
14:00:21.73   Generating CanShoot Map.
14:00:21.73   Pathfinder::Regenerate()...
14:00:21.76   Generating PathSectorMap...
14:00:21.98   Pathfinder::Regenerate() Done.
[Cope FactionFix] - Trying to hook function
[Cope FactionFix] - Got LuaState @0x061efa98
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x69405491
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x69405492
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x69404a07
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x69404a07
[Cope FactionFix] - Hook installed
14:00:22.33   ModWorld::LoadWinCondition: - [DATA:Scar/WinConditions/vptickerwin-annihilate.scar] succeeded.
14:00:23.01   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
14:00:23.01   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
14:00:23.01   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
14:00:23.01   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
14:00:23.01   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
14:00:23.01   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)

Offline blantokles

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2014, 05:14:59 PM »

ive got an issue whit EF. It happens always at the begginig of the skirmish with cpu, i never tried it on multiplayer. If tried to play with EF enemy and clasic. Tried EF maps and clasic.
The screen simply freeze when im trying to move camera out of basic territory or trying to bulit soviet engenires. Once Ive almost built Osteers baracks but it always crash in the first minute of the game.

Then the relic crash reports apears with all this files that people mentions before me.

Ive got retail COH nonsteam 2.602 (not original) and EF 2.3 with 3.2 Launcher.

Ive got a 256mb graphic card, 3gb RAM and ive never have any problems with pure coh or any other mod before.
of course iv lowered everything in graphic setup but it didnt help.

ooooops... ive found the compabilty patch. dont kill me please
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 05:20:36 PM by blantokles »

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2014, 06:03:41 PM »
Perhaps you forgot to install the compatibility patch for 2.602?
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline shadowmen124

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« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2015, 09:36:29 AM »

I just installed Company of Heroes Anthology in my computer and when i tried to open it for the first time, it shows a crash report immediately. I have already disable my antivirus and firewall, installed the latest directx version, install all version of net framework, install all version of Visual C++. I am still getting the error when i tried to open it again. My Computer Specs is uploaded in the Dxdiag.txt file.

I have also screenshot the error for reference and also uploaded the following files:

1. Warning.logs
2. CoH8O0L5280.dmp

Please advise on how to solve the problem, Thanks!

Hope to hear from you all soon!

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2015, 08:17:52 PM »
I'm not sure, but wasn't Company of Heroes Anthology a disc version of the game? And you cannot upgrade these to 2.700.0.

Anyways, your logs say your CoH version is the first one released on Steam and EF is never going to work on that no matter what you do. Update to the latest version 2.700.2.42.

Also, if that log is really saved after trying to run EF you don't even get to load the game at all. It means there is something wrong with the whole mod. If launching CoH alone works, I'd recommend to uninstall EF, delete the remaining files from the mod and install it again. However, as said before, unless your game is up to date you are not going to play EF without crashing in the next 5 minutes(or less) after starting a match.
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline iouver

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2015, 01:52:02 PM »
Using steam new version 2.700.2.42
EF version  launcher

crashes all the time after 5-10 mins.

What map were you playing   the gap  stock map version
Which factions were involved? American / German normal not panzer or new one.
*What were you doing when the crash occurred  upgrading tank depot
*Do the crashes happen during every or almost every game?   every game after about 5-10 mins
What game mode were you playing?  4/4 annihilation normal popcap.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 03:48:22 PM by iouver »

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2015, 06:36:36 PM »
Are you sure that's the log from the crash? It says at the end "Application closed without errors" and that never happens when it is involved in a crash. Have you checked if your graphic settings are in "Ultra"? That also makes the mod crash most of the time.
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline iouver

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2015, 06:50:46 PM »
been playing it on setting i always have. just started crashing after last steam update. will look at graphics and get back to you.

Offline iouver

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2015, 07:10:30 PM »
nope turned all res and graphics down still crashes. GTX 770 i7 K series and 16gig ram should run it fine. got 3 other friends same problem.

Offline Ben_D

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2015, 11:06:19 PM »
Hi, I just experienced another crash to desktop and I'm gonna try my luck here.

- Map: Road to Montherme

- Factions: Allies where both Russian, Axis were Ostheer and Panzer Elite

- Actions at time of crash: I was micro managing 4 conscript squads, a command squad, and an Observer team, I was about to build an IS2

- Frequency of crashes: about 50% of the games I play

- Game mode: Victory point, 1000 points

The ai.[../../..].txt file seems to be non-existent, I can't find it.

The game crashed for the Allies, the Axis just got a win, so I'll get one of the Axis players to get me a replay if possible and I'll upload it here.

Edit: Got the replay, just to give you all more info

2nd Edit: Do you guys need system specs too?

3rd Edit: I guess I should also say that I'm running the latest version of CoH ( and EF (
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 01:34:33 AM by Ben_D »

Offline Rokossovsky

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Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2015, 11:11:32 PM »
Continution to the post above me, I'm the second allies that crashed in that game (about 3 minutes later).

I couldn't find the "ailog" file, we didn't play with AI.

I remanned an AT gun and game crashed 2 minutes after that, apart from that I did nothing unusual.

Game crashes pretty much all the time in everything that isn't 1v1.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 11:36:50 PM by Rokossovsky »