Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Make a Faction concept.  (Read 18922 times)

Offline LiefTundra

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2013, 06:42:38 AM »
Well this is my new RMC concept, except it's based on the Canadian Army with the Royal Marines as a Doctrine they can choose. I tried to make them mobile like the PE and not try to be too much like the vCOH British. They have lots of vehicles, but each one has it's own purpose.
I know the Canadian Ram Tank never saw action, but I think it's a great tank for this faction because one it's Canadian and two it was a pretty decent tank. I also know many French tanks like the Char B1 and the Somoa S35 were captured by the Germans, but I think it would be cool if the French rode out in their own tanks.
The Close Combat Support and Long Combat Support is a type of teching/pool system (a mixture of the Soviet teching system in which you have to upgrade to get certain units and Ostheer assault and support pools) Each pool enables certain upgrades and certain vehicles and it is vital that you choose one, but not choose the other until you're comfortable enough to waste some fuel. That's why it may appear that many units are redundant, but they're all there for a reason.
Some of the ideas I used are from Neosdark so I want to thank him and show some credit
Please comment and tell me what you think about this concept

Tier 0/HQ

Base is protected by Twin Vickers K AA Emplacements that can rotate 360 degrees.

Close Combat Support (enables all units and upgrades that require Close Combat Support)
Cost:200 manpower/60 fuel
Long Combat Support (enables all units and upgrades that require Long Combat Support)
Cost:200 manpower/60 fuel


1)Canadian Sappers:Three man squad with three Lee-Enfield Rifles. Constructs all your base buildings and basic defenses (sandbags, barbed wire, tank traps, mines, etc.)
Cost:210 manpower
Lewis Gun(requires Captain Group)
Cost:75 munitions
Gives your Canadian Sapper squad one Lewis Light Machinegun for extra firepower
Disposal Team Upgrade:
Cost:35 munitions
Enables your Sappers to spot and remove enemy mines and plant demolition charges on buildings.
Advanced Engineers Upgrade:
Cost:50 munitions
Enables your Sappers to repair your vehicles with advanced repair.
Cut wire/sandbags: Cuts wire or sand bags
Plant Demolitions (Requires Disposal Team Upgrade):Enables demolitions to be put on buildings and bridges
Cost:50 munitions
Repair/Advanced Repair (requires Advanced Engineers Upgrade): Repair vehicles or buildings/Repair vehicles or building much more quickly
Plant Booby Traps(Requires Sabotage in the Royal Air Force Reinforcements):Enables engineers to plant booby traps on points or in buildings
Observation Post: Sappers can construct this observation post anywhere in any sector. When not upgraded, infantry can garrison it and fight in it.
Cost:150 manpower
Medic Post Upgrade:
Cost:50 munitions
Spawns medics and retrieves wounded soldiers. Save 4 soldiers and a Canadian Infantry Section will be produced for free. Loses garrison ability
Forward Observation Post Upgrade:
Cost:100 manpower
Locks down territory sector and gains much larger line of sight than it originally had. Only Captain Group can garrison Forward Observation Post.
Twin Vickers K AA Emplacements(Requires Heavy Defenses in Royal Marine Reinforcements ):Sappers can construct an AA/AI Twin Vickers K AA Emplacement that is effective against infantry and aircraft. Can rotate 360 degrees.
Cost:300 manpower/20 fuel
4.2" Heavy Mortar Emplacements](Requires Heavy Defenses in Royal Marine Reinforcements ):Sappers can construct a 4.2" Heavy Mortar Emplacement which has a long range and devastating impact. Can rotate 360 degrees.
Cost:200 manpower/30 fuel
Land Mattress (Requires Land Mattress in Royal Marine Reinforcements ):A heavy weapon team (that can be killed and recrewed) on a rocket launcher that can shoot 30 rockets right into the enemy's throat.
Cost:300 manpower/70 fuel

2)Captain Group: 3 man squad with one Captain and two bodyguards. Captain is given Sten gun and bodyguards are given Lee-Enfield Rifles. Captain gives defensive bonuses to infantry around him. Bonuses are faster moving, regenerate health slowly, and take less damage from enemy infantry. When combined with a Forward Observation Post, his bonuses affect all infantry in secured territory. Also when in Forward Observation Post, he is able to call in Forward HQ Glider. (Only one Captain Group available on field at a time).
Cost:250 manpower/20 fuel
Forward HQ Glider (Can only be called in by Captain Group when he garrisoned in a Forward Observation Post): Acts as a forward HQ. Can train Sappers, Canadian Infantry Section, and Universal Carrier.
Cost:200 manpower
Off Map Artillery (Requires Forward Observation Officers in the Royal Marine Reinforcements):You're Captain/ Valentine Command Tank  can call in Off Map Artillery for a cost of munitions
Cost:150 Munitions
4.2" Heavy Mortar Victor Target (Requires Forward Observation Officers in the Royal Marine Reinforcements):You're Captain can concentrate the barrage of all your 4.2" Heavy Mortars in one area.
Cost:75 Munitions

3) C15TA Armoured Truck (Requires Captain Group): Light armoured transport vehicle that can carry 8 soldiers (2 squads) to the front lines and infantry can reinforce around it. Infantry are able to shoot out the vehicle. Has no weapon of its own.
Cost:220 manpower
Ambulance Vehicle:
Cost:50 munitions
Gains the ability to heal infantry around it for a limited time for free, but has to restock before you can use it again. Keeps the ability to reinforce nearby infantry. Infantry garrisoned inside truck will also regenerate health by themselves. Loses ability in which soldiers can shoot from within it.
Medic Supplies:Heals infantry around the truck for a limited time. Takes time to restock.

Tier 1/ (insert name here)
Cost:250 manpower/10 fuel


1)Canadian Infantry Section: 4 man squad with four Lee-Enfield Rifles. Tough and reliable infantry at long ranges. Can be upgraded in multiple ways. Before they can be upgraded with any weapons, they need to be upgraded to Close Combat Group Upgrade or Long Combat Group Upgrade at no cost.
Cost:300 manpower
Close Combat Group Upgrade (Requires Close Combat Support)
Cost: none
(Upgrading Close Combat Group will allow your squad to upgrade to Sten Submachine Guns or PIATs)
Sten Submachine Gun Package(Requires Close Combat Group Upgrade):
Cost:75 munitions
Gives your Infantry Section 4 sten guns for close assaults. Enables "throw grenade" ability.
PIAT Package (Requires Close Combat Group Upgrade):
Cost:100 munitions
Gives your Infantry Section 2 PIATs. Enables "PIAT ambush" ability.
Long Combat Group Upgrade (Requires Long Combat Support)
Cost: none
(Upgrading Long Combat Group will allow your squad to upgrade to Bren Light Machine Guns or .55 Boys AT Rifles)
Bren Light Machine Gun Package (Requires Long Combat Group Upgrade):
Cost:100 munitions
Gives your Infantry Section 2 Bren guns. Enables "Mad Minute" Ability
.55cal Boys AT Rifle Package(Requires Long Combat Group Upgrade):
Cost:75 munitions
Gives your Infantry Section 2 Boys AT rifles. Enables "Blind Driver" Ability
Throw Grenade (Requires Sten Submachine Gun Package):Throw a Fragmentation Grenade
Cost:25 munitions
PIAT Ambush (Requires PIAT Package):This infantry section can camouflage in cover and wait for a vehicle to pass by to do extra damage!
Mad Minute (Requires Bren Light Machine Gun Package):Increases suppressive abilities for a limited amount of time.
Cost:30 munitions
Blind Driver (Requires Boys Light AT Package):Blinds driver of any vehicle, causing it to be immobile for some time. It does not effect the speed of the main gun of the vehicle at all though.
Cost:50 munitions

Universal Carrier: An unarmed Bren that can garrison infantry. Infantry inside are it's only way of defense. When infantry are garrisoned, it is able to cap points. Has better armor and hitpoints than Commonwealth Bren.
Cost:220 manpower/10 fuel
Wasp Flamethrower Carrier Upgrade Requires Close Combat Support):
Cost:50 munitions
Gives the Universal Carrier a flamethrower. Loses the ability to carry infantry
2" Mortar Carrier Upgrade (Requires Long Combat Support):
Cost:50 munitions
Gives the Universal Carrier a 2" mortar in the back. A Bren Gun is fitted in the front for extra protection.
2" Mortar Barrage(Requires 2"Mortar Carrier Upgrade): Your 2" mortar carrier will barrage this area for a limited amount of time.

Fox Armoured Car MkI: Starts with one .50cal machine gun and one .30cal machine gun. Quick, agile, and hard to hit.
Cost:280 manpower/15 fuel
Commander Upgrade (Requires Close Combat Support):
Cost:50 munitions
Allows a commander to pop out the top of the armoured car. Increases accuracy, line of sight, and suppression.
Fox MkII 37mm Upgrade(Requires Long Combat Support):
Cost:50 munitions
Gives the Fox Armoured Car a 37mm gun for its main gun. Effective against infantry and light vehicles.

Tier 2/(insert name here)
Cost:300 manpower/20 fuel

Tank Destroyers:Enables Achilles and Archer Tank Destroyer
Cost:150manpower/20 fuel


Canadian Ram Tank (Requires Close Combat Support): Medium Tank armed with a 6pdr gun. Effective against light vehicles, light tanks, and infantry.
Cost:350 manpower/40 fuel
Badger Ram Tank Upgrade:
Cost:50 munitions
Replaces the 6pdr gun with a flamethrower.

Achilles Tank Destroyer (Requires Close Combat Support and Tank Destroyers): M10 Tank Destroyer mounted with the mighty 17pdr. Effective against all vehicles at short-mid ranges. Very quick and easy to move.
Cost:400 manpower/55 fuel

Canadian Grizzly I Tank (Requires Long Combat Support): Based on the Sherman, but not quite as successful, the Grizzly is a medium tank with a 75mm gun that can take on light vehicles, light tanks, and infantry.
Cost:380 manpower/50 fuel

Archer Tank Destroyer (Requires Long Combat Support and Tank Destroyers): Built on the Valentine chassis, but armed with the 17pdr, the Archer Tank Destroyer is a threat to any tank at mid-long ranges. Not very agile, but it makes it up for its long range.
Cost:360 manpower/45 fuel

Tier 3/(insert name here)
Cost:500 manpower/45 fuel


Valentine XI Command Tank (Requires Close Combat Support): The Valentine Command Tank is a support tank that gives nearby tanks range and line of sight bonuses. (Only one Valentine XI Command Tank available on field at a time).
Cost:300 manpower/60 fuel
75mm Main Gun Refit (Requires Tank Supplies from the Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): Your command tank now has a powerful 75mm main gun which can help itself for defense or aid other tanks in an offense
Cost: 75 munitions
Off Map Artillery (Requires Forward Observation Officers in the Royal Marine Reinforcements):You're Captain/ Valentine Command Tank  can call in Off Map Artillery for a cost of munitions
Cost:150 Munitions
105mm Sexton Victor Target (Requires Forward Observation Officers in the Royal Marine Reinforcements):You're Captain can concentrate the barrage of all your Sextons in one area.
Cost:75 Munitions

Churchill VII (Requires Close Combat Support): The heavy Churchill tank can be built and is ready for action. Heavily armored and well armed, this Churchill can challenge the German's heavy tanks.
Cost:550 manpower/110 fuel
Crocodile Upgrade (Requires Tank Supplies from the Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements):Give your Churchill tank a better AI capability by giving it a flamethrower and upgrading it to a Churchill Croc.
Cost: 75 munitions

Sherman V(Requires Long Combat Support): The Sherman V is effective, easy to produce, and well rounded causing it to be a valuable edition to the Canadian Army.
Cost:450 manpower/95 fuel
Firefly Upgrade (Requires Tank Supplies from the Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): Refit your Sherman V with a 17pdr gun which makes it more effective in tank combat.
Cost: 75 munitions
Abilities :
Black Tulip Rocket (Requires Tank Supplies from the Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): Shoot a deadly Black Tulip missile that is deadly against infantry and dangerous to tanks for a cost of munitions. Takes time to reload.
Cost:75 munitions

Sexton Self-Propelled Artillery(Requires Long Combat Support): The Sexton, built on the Canadian Ram Tank chassis, is armed with the 25pdr howitzer and can crush enemy fortifications, infantry, and vehicles in record time. (Only two Sextons can be on the field at the same time)
Cost:600 manpower/70 fuel


Royal Marines Reinforcements


Royal Marines Support: The Royal Marines now fight alonside the Canadians, so now both your Canadian Sappers and Canadian Infantry Section have Marines in them. Half of your Infantry Section and Sappers are marines and the other half are Canadians. This boosts the health, armor, and rate of fire of your soldiers.
Cost: none

Heavy Defenses: Allows your Marine/Canadian Section to build basic defenses (sandbags, wire, tank traps) and your Marine/Canadian Sappers to build Twin Vicker K machinegun Nests and 4.2" Heavy Mortar Emplacements.
Cost: none

Royal Marine Battlegroup: The Royal Marines bringa heavy Cromwell VII, capable of tackling heavier tanks, and two Royal Marine Commando Groups
Cost:900 manpower


Forward Observation Officers: You're Captain Group and Valentine XI Command Tank can call off-map artillery and coordinate a Sexton/4.2" Heavy Mortar Victory Target Barrage.
Cost: none

Centaur IV Assault Gun: The Centaur IV armed with a 95mm howitzer can support your front line troops by blowing enemy defenses to dust.
Cost: 500 manpower

Land Mattress: Your Marine/Canadian Sappers can now build the mighty Land Mattress Rocket Launcher.

Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements


Canadian Ram Armoured Repair Vehicle: Call in a Canadian Ram ARV that can quickly repair all your vehicles in need of repair and can only repair the wrecks that belong to the you. It can salvage munitions from enemy wrecks though.
Cost:400 Manpower

Field Modifications: All vehicles that needed the Close Combat Support Upgrade are now all reinforced with sandbags, allowing them to take more hits, while all the vehicles that needed the Long Combat Support Upgrade are now all supplied with better engines, allowing them to move around quicker. All upgrades for all vehicles are now cheaper also.

Tank Supplies: The Valentine Command Tank now has been supplied with better radios, allowing it to have a very large command aura, The Sexton SPA has been supplied with Super Charge Rounds allowing it to shoot farther than before, the Churchill VII can now improve it's anti-infantry capability with the crocodile upgrade, and all Sherman Vs are supplied with the Black Tulip rocket launcher (which costs munitions to fire).


Sprint: All your infantry now have the ability to sprint, so they can keep up with the tank columns.
Cost: none

Foreign Armoured Support: Our Allies can spare us one of their tanks (Char B1, Somoa S35,or Crusader Mk III) and one of their infantry sections
Cost:600 manpower

Armoured Battle Group: Two Sherman Fireflies and one Ram Kangaroo (that can be upgraded with a flamethrower) filled with 2 Foreign Squads are available for reinforcement.
Cost:1200 manpower

Royal Air Force Reinforcements


Commando Support: Drop RAF Commandos into enemy territory (The Commandos could also be from different countries like French, Canadian, British, Polish, etc. but they all do the same thing)
Cost:360 manpower

Sabotage: Commandos and Canadian Sappers can now place booby traps in buildings and on points.

Requested Strafing/Bombing: Commandos and SAS Strikers can now request strafing runs and the SAS Captain group can request Bombing Runs.
Cost: none


SAS glider: Land a SAS glider into enemy territory (as long as you have line of sight): When the glider lands, a SAS Striker group comes out of the glider. It will be able to train special units from it. (Only one glider on field at a time).
Cost:600 manpower

Espionage: The SAS glider can now create a radio jeep that is very effective at stealing resources, messing up enemy mini-maps and transmissions, and identifying where enemy forces are.Cost:none

Grand Barrage: "Calls out multiple Avro Lancaster bombers to bombing the living crap out of any sector you have line of sight into. Quite literally the most destructive tool in the British arsenal"-neosdark
Cost:250 munitions

Doctrinal Units

Royal Marine Commandos(Royal Marines Reinforcements): Five man elite squad armed with 5 De Lisle Carbines. Expert soldiers at close combat and when upgraded with Lewis Guns or PIATs, they are elite all around troops.
Lewis Gun Package: Two light machine guns that are deadly at long range and cause some suppression to enemy units.
Cost:75 munitions
PIAT Package: Two PIATs that will shred vehicles at any range
Cost:75 munitions

Foreign Section(Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements):Six man group with stens that have high morale making them hard to suppress, but are average in about everything else.
Boys AT Package:Two Boys AT will be equipped to your soldiers that will destroy light vehicles.
Retribution!:This foreign squad will become immobile, but invulnerable to suppression, increase rate of fire greatly, increase accuracy, and take less damage from enemy fire for a short amount of time. Afterwards, this squad will suffer from exhaustion.

Royal Air Force Commandos(Royal Air Force Reinforcements):Five men armed with De Lisle Carbines, Demos, and Satchel Charges. They also can use Commando Concealing Smoke. Effective at close range, they will be able to camouflage themselves in cover.
Throw Gammon Bomb: Explosive bomb that explodes on contact. Very effective at destroying cover and infantry.
Cost:50 munitions
Commando Concealing Smoke: Allows RAF Commandos to break suppression and run off in camouflage for a few moments
Request Strafing Run (Requires Request Strafing/Bombing) :Commandos and SAS Strikers can now request strafing runs.
Cost:75 munitions
Lay Demolitions (Requires Sabotage): Commandos can lay demolitions anywhere
Cost:50 munitions
Booby Traps (Requires Sabotage): Commandos can place booby traps in points and buildings

Canadian Ram Armoured Repair Vehicle(Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): A Canadian Ram ARV can quickly repair all your vehicles in need of repair and can only repair the wrecks that belong to the you. It can salvage munitions from enemy wrecks though.

Kangaroo Ram(Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): Commonwealth Troop Carrier that has been leased to foreign allies. Able to carry up to two infantry groups (12 people). Can be upgraded to different Badger Flame tank than the original Canadian Ram tank. Still able to carry soldiers when upgraded.
Badger Kangaroo:This Kangaroo has been equipped with a flamethrower and is more effective against infantry

Char B1 (Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): Heavy French Tank that is effective against infantry and light tanks. Should be able to take on a Panzer III

Somoa S35(Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements):French Tank that is effective against infantry and light tanks. Should be able to take on a Panzer III

Crusader Mk III (Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements): Commonwealth Tank that has been leased to a foreign allies. Should be able to take on a Panzer III

Centaur IV(Royal Marines Reinforcements): Tank that is on a similar chassis to the Cromwell, it's 95mm gun will destroy any infantry or any defenses
Barrage Area: Have your Centaur IV to barrage an area for no cost and a limited amount of time

Cromwell VII(Royal Marines Reinforcements):Heavy Cromwell Tank that can take on heavier German Tanks

SAS Glider(Royal Air Force Reinforcements):


SAS Strikers:Four man group armed with 3 stens and one PIAT. Well armored and have good health.
Cost:400 manpower
Request Strafing Run (Requires Request Strafing/Bombing) :Commandos and SAS Strikers can now request strafing runs.
Cost:75 munitions

SAS Captain Group:A more powerful Captain group that can be called from the SAS glider. Gives the same bonuses as the original Captain Group
Cost:350 manpower
Request Strafing Run (Requires Request Strafing/Bombing) :SAS Captain Group can now request bombing runs
Cost:Cost:150 munitions

Twin Vickers K Jeep:Jeep that has been equipped with 3 machine guns. Very effective at killing infantry and about same armored as the American Jeep, but it still is very vulnerable to AT weapons.
Cost:250 manpower/5 fuel

Recoilless Rifle Jeeps:Jeep that has been equipped with 1 recoilless rifle. Effective at taking out light vehicles and dealing damage to enemy tanks. It is more armored than the American Jeep, but it still is very vulnerable to AT weapons.
Cost:250 manpower/10 fuel

Espionage Radio Jeep (requires Espionage): Jeep that is not armed, but can be put anywhere in an enemy sector and steal resources from it. It also shows the location of infantry groups and vehicles that are near it's vicinity on the mini-map.
Cost:250 manpowerAbilities
Block Transmission:Stops the enemies from receiving transmissions and messes up their mini-maps for a short period of time.
Cost:50 munitions
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 03:10:20 AM by LiefTundra »

Offline neosdark

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2013, 09:28:15 PM »
Well this is my new RMC concept, except it's based on the Canadian Army with the Royal Marines as a Doctrine they can choose. I tried to make them mobile like the PE and not try to be too much like the vCOH British, but I may have given them too much armor...oh well ::) I'm sorry if this is confusing to you, but this is what I put together. Also I want you to know about the Close Combat Support and Long Combat Support are kind of a way for teching. I couldn't think of resource costs so I just wanted to point out that they both cost a lot of fuel, so it's wise to choose one, but not both because you'll fall behind your enemy's teching. Also I know the Canadian Ram Tank never saw action, but I think it's a great tank for this faction because one it's Canadian and two it was a pretty decent tank. I also know many French tanks like the Char B1 and the Somoa S35 were captured by the Germans, but I think it would be cool if the French rode out in their own tanks. Again, sorry if this is confusing and I'll edit whenever I can, but I hope you like it  ;D Please comment and tell me what you think about this concept
P.S. I used some of the ideas from Neosdark so I want to say thanks to him and don't want to be bashed at for not showing credit :D

Base is protected by Twin Vickers K AA Emplacements that can rotate 360 degrees.

Tier 0/HQ

Close Combat Support (enables all units and upgrades that require Close Combat Support)
Long Combat Support (enables all units and upgrades that require Long Combat Support)


1)Canadian Sappers: 3 man squad with three Lee-Enfield Rifles. Constructs all your base buildings and basic defenses (sandbags, barbed wire, tank traps, mines, etc.)
Minesweeper/Demolitions Upgrade: enables your Sappers to spot and remove enemy mines and plant demolition charges on buildings.
Advanced Engineers Upgrade: enables your Sappers to repair your vehicles with advanced repair.

Observation Post: Sappers can construct this observation post anywhere in any sector. When not upgraded, infantry can garrison it and fight in it.
Medic Post Upgrade: Spawns medics and retrieves wounded soldiers. Save 4 soldiers and a Canadian Infantry Section will be produced for free. Loses garrison ability
Forward Observation Post Upgrade: Locks down territory sector and gains much larger line of sight than it originally had. Only Captain Group can garrison Forward Observation Post.

2)Captain Group: 3 man squad with one Captain and two bodyguards. Captain is given Sten gun and bodyguards are given Lee-Enfield Rifles. Captain gives defensive bonuses to infantry around him. Bonuses are faster moving, regenerate health slowly, and take less damage from enemy infantry. When combined with a Forward Observation Post, his bonuses affect all infantry in secured territory. Also when in Forward Observation Post, he is able to call in Forward HQ Glider. (Only one Captain Group available on field at a time).

Forward HQ Glider (Can only be called in by Captain Group when he garrisoned in a Forward Observation Post): Acts as a forward HQ. Can train Sappers, Canadian Infantry Section, and Universal Carrier.

3)C15TA Armoured Truck (Requires Captain Group): Light armoured transport vehicle that can carry 8 soldiers (2 squads) to the front lines and infantry can reinforce around it. Infantry are able to shoot out the vehicle. Has no weapon of its own.
Ambulance Vehicle: Gains the ability to settle down and heal and reinforce nearby infantry. Infantry garrisoned inside truck will also regenerate health. Loses ability in which soldiers can shoot from within it.

Tier 1/ (insert name here)


1)Canadian Infantry Section: 4 man squad with four Lee-Enfield Rifles. Tough and reliable infantry at long ranges. Can be upgraded in multiple ways. Before they can be upgraded with any weapons, they need to be upgraded to Close Combat Group Upgrade or Long Combat Group Upgrade at no cost.
Close Combat Group Upgrade (Requires Close Combat Support)
Long Combat Group Upgrade (Requires Long Combat Support)

Sten Submachine Gun Upgrade(Requires Close Combat Group Upgrade): Gives your Infantry Section 4 sten guns for close assaults. Enables "throw grenade" ability.
PIAT Upgrade (Requires Close Combat Group Upgrade): Gives your Infantry Section 2 PIATs. Enables "PIAT ambush" ability.
Bren Light Machine Gun Upgrade (Requires Long Combat Group Upgrade): Gives your Infantry Section 2 Bren guns. Enables "Mad Minute" Ability which causes suppression to enemy units.
.55cal Boys AT Rifle Upgrade(Requires Long Combat Group Upgrade): Gives you Infantry Section 2 Boys AT rifles. Enables "Blind Driver" Ability which causes enemy vehicle target to become immobile for a short period of time. (Does not affect enemy gun)

Universal Carrier:Starts with one Bren Light Machine Gun, but infantry cannot garrison it.
Wasp Flamethrower Carrier Upgrade (Requires Close Combat Support): Gives the Universal Carrier a flamethrower. Removes the Bren gun
2" Mortar Carrier Upgrade (Requires Long Combat Support): Gives the Universal Carrier a 2" mortar in the back. Keeps the Bren gun

Fox Armoured Car MkI: Starts with one .50cal machine gun and one .30cal machine gun. Quick, agile, and hard to hit.
Commander Upgrade (Requires Close Combat Support): Allows a commander to pop out the top of the armoured car. Increases accuracy, line of sight, and suppression.
Fox MkII 37mm Upgrade (Requires Long Combat Support): Gives the Fox Armoured Car a 37mm gun for its main gun. Effective against infantry and light vehicles.

Tier 2/(insert name here)

Tank Destroyers:Enables Achilles and Archer Tank Destroyer

Canadian Ram Tank (Requires Close Combat Support): Medium Tank armed with a 6pdr gun. Effective against light vehicles, light tanks, and infantry.
Badger Ram Tank Upgrade: Replaces the 6pdr gun with a flamethrower.

Achilles Tank Destroyer (Requires Close Combat Support and Tank Destroyers): M10 Tank Destroyer mounted with the mighty 17pdr. Effective against all vehicles at short-mid ranges. Very quick and easy to move.

Canadian Grizzly I Tank (Requires Long Combat Support): Based on the Sherman, but not quite as successful, the Grizzly is a medium tank with a 75mm gun that can take on light vehicles, light tanks, and infantry.

Archer Tank Destroyer (Requires Long Combat Support and Tank Destroyers): Built on the Valentine chassis, but armed with the 17pdr, the Archer Tank Destroyer is a threat to any tank at mid-long ranges. Not very agile, but it makes it up for its long range.

Tier 3/(insert name here)

Ugraded Tank Guns: Allows you to upgrade the Valentine XI Command Tank's dummy gun to a 75mm gun and the Sherman V to upgrade it's gun 75mm to a 17pdr gun

Valentine XI Command Tank (Requires Close Combat Support): The Valentine Command Tank is a support tank that gives nearby tanks range and line of sight bonuses. (Only one Valentine XI Command Tank available on field at a time).
75mm Gun Upgrade:Replaces the dummy gun on this command tank with a powerful 75mm gun.

Churchill VII (Requires Close Combat Support): The heavy Churchill tank can be built and is ready for action. Heavily armored and well armed, this Churchill can challenge the German's heavy tanks.

Sherman V(Requires Long Combat Support): The Sherman V is effective, easy to produce, and well rounded causing it to be a valuable edition to the Canadian Army.
17pdr Firefly Upgrade: Upgrade the already powerful 75mm gun of the Sherman V to make it into the feared Sherman Firefly armed with the mighty 17pdr.

Sexton Self-Propelled Artillery(Requires Long Combat Support): The Sexton, built on the Canadian Ram Tank chassis, is armed with the 25pdr howitzer and can crush enemy fortifications, infantry, and vehicles in record time. (Only two Sextons can be on the field at the same time)


Royal Marines Reinforcements


Royal Marines Support: The Royal Marines now fight alonside the Canadians, so now both your Canadian Sappers and Canadian Infantry Section have Marines in them. Half of your Infantry Section and Sappers are marines and the other half are Canadians. This boosts the health, armor, and rate of fire of your soldiers.

Heavy Defenses: Allows your Marine/Canadian Section to build basic defenses (sandbags, wire, tank traps) and your Marine/Canadian Sappers to build Twin Vicker K machinegun Nests and 4.2" Heavy Mortar Emplacements.

Royal Marine Battlegroup: The Royal Marines bringa heavy Cromwell VII, capable of tackling heavier tanks, and two Royal Marine Commando Groups (armed with 5 De Lisle Carbines and can be upgraded with duel Lewis Guns or duel PIATS) into the front.


Forward Observation Officers: You're Captain Group and Valentine XI Command Tank can call off-map artillery and coordinate a Sexton/4.2" Heavy Mortar Victory Target Barrage.

Centaur IV Assault Gun: The Centaur IV armed with a 95mm howitzer can support your front line troops by blowing enemy defenses to dust.

Land Mattress: Your Marine/Canadian Sappers can now build the mighty Land Mattress Rocket Launcher (it's a weapon team and the crew can be killed) that can shoot 30 rockets right into the enemy's throat. Only two can be built at a time.

Royal Armoured Corp Reinforcements


Canadian Ram Armoured Repair Vehicle: Call in a Canadian Ram ARV that can quickly repair all your vehicles in need of repair and can only repair the wrecks that belong to the you. It can salvage munitions from enemy wrecks though.

Field Modifications: All vehicles that needed the Close Combat Support Upgrade are now all reinforced with sandbags, allowing them to take more hits, while all the vehicles that needed the Long Combat Support Upgrade are now all supplied with better engines, allowing them to move around quicker. All upgrades for all vehicles are now cheaper also.

Tank Supplies: The Valentine Command Tank now has been supplied with better radios, allowing it to have a very large command aura, The Sexton SPA has been supplied with Super Charge Rounds allowing it to shoot farther than before, the Churchill VII can now improve it's anti-infantry capability with the crocodile upgrade, and all Sherman Vs are supplied with the Black Tulip rocket launcher (which costs munitions to fire).


Sprint: All your infantry now have the ability to sprint, so they can keep up with the tank columns.

Foreign Armoured Support: Our Allies can spare us one of their tanks (Char B1, Somoa S35,or Crusader Mk III) and one of their infantry sections (Foreign Sections 5 man group with stens that can be upgraded with 2 Brens or 2 Boys AT and are hard to suppress).

Armoured Battle Group: Two Sherman Fireflies and one Ram Kangaroo (that can be upgraded with a flamethrower) filled with 2 Foreign Squads are available for reinforcement.

Royal Air Force Reinforcements


Commando Support: Drop Commandos (5 men armed with De Lisle Carbines, Demos, and Satchel Charges. They also can use Commando Concealing Smoke) into enemy territory (The Commandos could also be from different countries like French, Canadian, British, Polish, etc. but they all do the same thing)

Booby Traps: Commandos and Canadian Sappers can now place booby traps in buildings and on points.

Requested Strafing/Bombing: Commandos and SAS groups can now request strafing runs and the SAS Captain group can request Bombing Runs.


SAS glider: Land a SAS glider into enemy territory (as long as you have line of sight): When the glider lands, a SAS group (four men armed with 1 PIAT and 3 stens, but can be upgraded with a second PIAT) comes out of the glider. The glider can train Twin Vickers K Jeeps, Recoilless Rifle Jeeps, SAS Captain group (who basically works like regular Captain group but with more health and attack), SAS group, espionage radio jeep (requires Espionage). (Only one glider on field at a time).

Espionage: The SAS glider can now create a radio jeep that is not armed, but can be put anywhere in an enemy sector and steal resources from it. It also shows the location of infantry groups on the mini-map. (Works just like the PE vampier halftrack) Also can use the ability "Block Transmission" which stops the enemies from receiving transmissions and messes up their mini-map for a short period of time. (Like the SU Command Squad "Blackout" ability.)

Grand Barrage: "Calls out multiple Avro Lancaster bombers to bombing the living crap out of any sector you have line of sight into. Quite literally the most destructive tool in the British arsenal"-neosdark

I really like your concept, but you have a lot of duplicate units/abilities which I think you want to serve different roles, but technically don't/shouldn't - for example: the Archer and the Achilles are both TDs and use the same gun (one is turreted and one isn't), giving the C.Infantry Section both the Boys AT Rifle and a PIAT upgrade is redundant, sure one is more AV than AT but it seems pointless when the PIAT can do it better, you have the Fox Reece Car and the Universal Carrier in the same tier with very similar scout/AI roles. Then you also have a crap ton of tanks coming in at Tier II, both the Ram and Grizzly have approximately the same gun. Being able to upgrade the Sherman V to Firefly makes the TDs redundant as you gain a well armored, fast, and well-armed medium tank, basically obsoleting all of Tier 2

I do like the Doctrines a lot though, and as a bit of note I actually wanted to have the Centaur be the Main medium tank for my faction, with the Meteor Engine upgrade making them into Cromwells, but I found that only the Centaur IV served in Normandy so I axed that idea.

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2013, 02:26:01 AM »

Thanks for your comments!

Yeah, I kinda have to agree a lot of your comments :D but I wanted to give my concept a unique pool teching system. So I decided to merge the Ostheer pool systems (assault/support pools) and Soviet pool systems (upgrading to get units) to make my pool system which is the Close Combat Support/ Long Combat Support. Each upgrade costs a lot of fuel (more than all of your separate base buildings and units), so it's smarter to only upgrade one and quickly get heavier tanks rather than upgrade both upgrades (seeing as how it you'll be stuck with weak units compared to your enemy if you upgrade both upgrades in your HQ). That's also why there are so many redundant units like the Archer and Achilles, but you won't be able to get them on the field at the same time unless you purchase both upgrades. So you couldn't get PIATs instead of Boys AT in the Long Combat Support Pool. Also I tried to make each pool as balanced as possible for example:

If you choose the Close Combat Support Pool:

Tier I

Your C. Infantry Section gets the choice to upgrade to stens or PIATs, giving them heavy AT ability, but no early suppression ability.
Your Universal Carrier gets the choice to upgrade to a flamethrower which is very effective against infantry
Your Fox Armoured Car gets the choice to upgrade to the "Commander" upgrade which gives good suppression ability.
Giving the Commander/suppression ability to the Fox + C. Infantry Section with stens is a good combo. Or Giving the Commander/suppression ability to the Fox + Wasp Universal Carrier can take out lots of infantry.

Tier II

The Canadian Ram is will be a light and quick tank that is about equal to the Panzer III. Being more an anti-infantry tank, it won't be very effective against any heavy armor.
The Achilles is a good AT unit that will take out any heavy tanks, but is awful against infantry.
The Achilles is very mobile and combined with the Ram, it is a very good raiding combo that will be difficult to take out.

Tier III

The Churchill VII is a heavy tank that is very heavily armoured and will be very difficult to take out, but won't does not have a very long range or penetration ability.
The Valentine XI is a command tank that increases range and penetration of tanks around it, but has no armament of its own. Combined, one gets protection, and the other gets better attacking abilities.

If you choose the Long Combat Support Pool:

Tier I

Your C. Infantry Section get the ability to upgrade to Bren Light MGs for suppressive ability or Boys AT for vehicle stopping
Your Universal Carrier gets the ability to upgrade to a 2" mortar ability
Your Fox gets the ability to upgrade to a light 37mm gun which can act as light AT
When C. Infantry Section gets the Brens which have suppressive ability + 2" mortar Universal Carrier, they are an effective anti-infantry combo. When the C. Infantry Section gets the Boys AT, they can stop a vehicle with the blind driver ability and the Fox can easily flank the vehicle and hit its rear armor.

Tier II

The Grizzly is a tough pretty good armoured tank. Being able to take on heavier tanks than the Ram (like Stugs and take lots of health off an unupgraded Panzer IV), it is a good addition to your army which lacks a heavy AT tank at the moment. It is slower than the Ram, but much more heavier armoured than it. It can take out infantry just as good as the Ram though.
The Archer is very immobile, but can take on any tank at long ranges. Without support though, it is quite useless.
That's why if you have a Grizzly wall, your Archer can take out enemies at a safe range.

Tier III

The Sherman V is a good all around tank (should be equal to T-34s or American Shermans and be able to take on an upgraded Panzer IV) Effective all around tank that can take on mostly anything.
The Sexton is just an non-doctrinal artillery tank...enough said  ;D
Combined they're a good combo just because you can spam the Shermans and can be supported by artillery.

Yeah so that's why so many things are redundant. I also want to note that I think the "upgraded tank guns" upgrade in Tier III will be moved to the Royale Armoured Corp doc's ability "Tank Supplies" to avoid redundancy and OPness. The Sten gun and Boys AT upgrades for the C. Infantry Section will be cheaper than the Bren Guns and PIATs. I think I'll make the Universal Carrier unarmed when it is first produced, so it doesn't have the same role as the Fox (but will gain a Bren when upgraded to the 2" mortar ability). The Fox and Universal Carrier are meant to be support team like vehicles, but with shorter ranges because they're better armored (Fox/Commander=machinegun team, Fox/37mm=light AT gun, 2"mortar Carrier=mortar team, and the Wasp Carrier=flamethrower group) .Also I think the Sherman V should be much better than the Grizzly and Ram (which should kinda act as light tanks even though they were meant to be medium tanks in real life) to avoid redundancy. But yeah the Close Combat Support/Long Combat Support are supposed to be REALLY expensive in fuel, so you can only choose one if you don't want to be overrun by enemy vehicles. Yes, you could have both, but then you would get redundant vehicles and the only benefit I can see from having both pools is having Churchill VIIs backed up with Sextons.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 04:38:46 AM by LiefTundra »

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2013, 02:50:07 AM »
There I am completely finished with my Canadian Army Faction. I would really like some more feedback, negative or positive. I'm thinking that I should make a new thread for this concept put it under a big thread file called "RMC Concepts". Like the Ostheer have a big thread called "Ostheer Concepts". Anyways, please look at my concept.

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2013, 02:56:05 AM »
Good lord - that's a lot of text you expect naught but a humble modeler to read. ;) Seems interesting, though.  And as soon as I hear "Canadians" I'm probably going to read it anyway. ;D
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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2013, 03:07:09 AM »
Yeah that's also a reason why I think I need to make this into it's own thread rather than take up a whole lot of space of Newbie's thread  ;D

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2013, 04:43:04 AM »
In the future I would recommend people to post some space between the units. It gets to crowded XD This is the internet, you got enough space.
 If you want people to like it, present it nicely and easy to them ;>

My English is kind of useless. But that because Iam swedish Wooohoooj! ;3

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2013, 03:11:23 PM »

Tier 0
-Famo Halftrack
 -Lay mine
 -Recover Wreck (after Wreck Recovery upgrade)
 -Beutenpanzer (after Beutenpanzer upgrade)
-Recover Wreck
-The Steamroller (Requires Tier 4)
Description: Deploys an Elefant Tank Destroyer on the battlefield. (Once a battle)

Tier 1
-Landser (3x MP40 or a Panzerschreck and 2x MP40 upgrade)
 -Throw grenade
 -Einstossflammenwerfer 46
 -Hot Barrel
 -Burst shot or One shot Mode
-75mm LeIG
 -Direct or Indirect Fire

Tier 2
-Assault Troopers (3x G43 or 3x MP44 Upgrade)
 -Grenade Shower
-Radio Operator
 -Mortar Barrage
 -Rocket Barrage
 -Artillery Barrage
-Panzer II Luchs
-Pak 40 75mm AT gun
-Medic Team
 -Build Feldlazarett
-Sdkfz 10 Halftrack

Tier 4
-Panzer III (37mm AT Gun or 50mm AT Gun or 75 mm HE Gun upgrades)
-Marder II
 -Break Tracks
-Side skirts

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2014, 05:24:25 PM »
Italian Royal Army - African Front Concept

The Italian Army offers a light combat option for the Axis user. Similar to the Panzer Elite, they can operate medium tanks with much less cost but with less efficiency than the Wehrmacht or PE, and their Infantry are less effective, albeit cheaper and more fanatic. They also benefit due to the African-based concept to the ability to use Colonial Libyan, Somalian or Ethiopian soldiers, or the DAK Conversion doctrine.

Ti Commando

The Headquarters of the Italian Army. Functions the same as the Wehrmacht and United States headquarters.

The Engineers of the Italian Faction. Four men armed with M1891 Carcano rifles, they sport African camouflage and can build all the Tier buildings of the faction. They only happen to have a 'minesweeper' upgrade to arm one of them with a Mine detector. Costs 160 manpower and four popcap.

A two man Scout troop of the Italian faction. Armed with one M1891 Carcano rifle, and one Beretta M1923 Handgun, they are weak in combat and will be dispatched by any other infantry. There only helpful is a giant one however - They have the largest line of sight of any Infantry in game and can camouflage in the sandy enviroments of North Africa. Costs 160 manpower and two popcap.

Tenda distribuzione

Tier one building. Offers basic Infantry and light vehicles.

An Italian six-man Infantry team equipped with Carcano M1891 rifles. Armed with bayonets which increase their damage the closer they get, they are the most effective rifle-armed Infantry of any faction (apart from the US Riflemen) in close combat, however the least at longer ranges. Can be upgraded to carry two Modello 38 Sub-machine guns for 50 Munitions with further increases their use. Costs 230 manpower and six popcap.

OR IF 'Deutsches AfrikaKorps' doctrine is picked

A German Grenadier of the DAK under Erwin Rommel. Five-man squad armed with Kar98k rifles which are much more effective at longer distances than their Italian counterparts. Has the ability to throw a Steilhandgraten for 25 Munitions. Costs 260 manpower and five popcap.

Fiat-Ravelli Modello 1914 MMG
A two man Machine Gun squad of the Italian Army. Outdated Machine gun with a low rate of fighter but high damage output, one soldier mans the gun whilst the other has a carbined shorter version of the M1891 rifle, which is even less effective at longer ranges due to this. Can not retreat due to weight of MMG. Costs 235MP and three popcap.

Brixia Model 35 Mortar Team
A three-man Mortar team of the Royal Italian Army. The smallest mortar of any faction means it is incredibly versatile and fires in quick succession, albeit with less damage per hit, but it can be very lethal to smaller groups of Infantry who can't escape it, and to Machine Gun teams. Two users of the Mortar and one armed with a Carcano carbine. Costs 270MP and three popcap.

Cecchino Truppo
A one man Sniper of the Italian Army. Always hidden which makes up for it's rifles (Again, a Carcano) less range than others, and can only be detected by Infantry in close proximity, or recon aircraft. Costs 310MP and one popcap.

Opel Blitz
Highly useful truck used by both the German and Italian Armies in North Africa. Can be used to transport infantry (including Mortars and MMGs) and is very effective at doing so. Costs 50MP and 10 Fuel.

NOTICE: If more than 10 Normal Infantry are purchased by the Italians from one of their tier one buildings, the Infantry can no longer be built, but the less affective 'Colonial Infantry' are built instead. They are a five man team of Africans (Libyans, Somalians and Ethiopians) who fight fanatically for the Kingdom of Italy with their Carcanos, but are much less effective. They however cost only 120MP and five manpower.

Abilities Purchasable: 'Vichy French Support' two Opel Blitz' full of Vichy French and Spanish volunteers arrive outside your HQ. One contains a 8-man Vichy squad armed with MAS-36 rifles and MAS-38 Sub-machine guns, and the other is a Spanish volunteer squad of six Kar98k armed volunteers. The upgrade to buy costs 500MP, and for each use it costs an additional 500MP. Can only be used three times.

Produzione veicolo

Vehicle production center of the Italian Armies in Africa. Offers light vehicle and Tankette support early on.

SPA AS.37 Armoured Truck

The SPA AS.37 is an armoured variant of the Opel Blitz, used by the Italians in Africa. It can carry up to twenty infantry or can be upgraded with eithier two MG-34 Machine guns or a single Heavy Mortar. Both upgrades cost 75 Munitions. Vehicle costs 350MP and three popcap.

CV.33 Tankette

A CV.33 is the earliest armoured vehicle available to any faction. If you can call it an AFV. It uses two Machine guns and has very low armour, that can be penetrated by Swarms of British bren carriers if the user is not careful. However it is very deadly against Infantry. Costs 320MP and 25 Fuel.

AB-41 Armoured Car

The first 'actual' armoured vehicle the Italians can use, the AB-41 is a fast armoured car armed with a 20mm Main gun and an 8mm machine gun for support. It is eight-wheeled and relatively fast, and can engage Infantry and Vehicles of other factions with relative safety, but is useless against all tanks. Costs 340MP and 30 Fuel.


Panzer II

The Panzer II is a light Panzer heavily used during the Invasions of Poland and France during early war, but is still being used in North Africa by the DAK. Armed with a 20mm gun and a 7.62mm MG-34 machine gun, it can be very useful against British armour early on, but it's use becomes less later in the game as tanks roll onto the field. Costs 340MP and 35 fuel.

Fiat Factory

The Fiat Factory is where eithier the Italian or the DAK Armour can roll out onto the field. Having an extraordinary five different tanks to choose from makes up for the Italians and Germans less ability when it comes to the quality of their armour.

Fiat L6/40 Light Tank
The standard light armour of the Italian Army in North Africa. Armed with a 20mm gun (the same as the Panzer II) and an 8mm coxial machine gun, it offers good reconnaissance later in the game due to it's ability to take on vehicles and Infantry. Costs 400MP and 45Fuel. Can be upgraded to use a flame-thrower instead of the main gun for 75 Munitions.

Fiat M13/40 Medium Tank
The first tank that packs a punch for the Italians is the M13/40. Used often in the armys of Africa by the Italians, it is cheap and easy to produce, and can go head-to-head with the early British and American Tanks. Armed with a 47mm gun and two breda 8mm Machine Guns. Costs 450MP and 50 Fuel.

Panzer III
Replacing the M14/40, the 50mm gun armed Panzer III is much more efficent for the DAK, although being much more expensive. Costs 500MP and 60 Fuel, can be upgraded with an MG-34 and Side skirts for 50 munitions each.

P40/41 Heavy Tank
Although none saw use in Africa, the Italians need something heavy, so this is it. The P40/41 argubaly makes up for a Sherman, Panzer IV or Cromwell in it's use, armed with a 75mm gun. Costs 600MP and 60 Fuel.

Panzer IV
Replaces the P40/41 if 'DAK' doctrine is picked. Armed with a long 75mm gun to take out Allied tanks, and painted in sand DAK colouring. Costs 600MP and 65 Fuel.

Semopvente 75/18
First Tank-Destroyer like unit available to Italy, and a very good one at that. Armed with a 75mm gun that can knock out most allied vehicles, but lacks a Coxiall MG. Costs 620MP and 65 Fuel.

Semovente 90/53
The mother of Italian Armour, its heavy 90mm gun was considered the Italian equal to the Flak 88. Can knock out any Allied tank it sees, including the T-34 and KV-series of the Russians. Costs 800MP and 80 Fuel.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 06:02:42 PM by Newbie. »

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2014, 07:50:16 PM »
I really dondt know why we should add a new Faction. Too much work....we implement the italians dont worry :D

Offline BffWithDEATH

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2014, 03:43:44 PM »
I would really love to see a well design Japan to be honest.
There is the Far East Mod but that isn't very polished and seems to be dead and also removes 4 factions from the game.
Maybe you buys could add the Far east into EF makeing even more theatres to which factions can come from? :D
Maybe North Africa, Far East, Pacific, Western Europe and Eastern Europe could all be playable theatres of war in the future when the East is finished?
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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2014, 05:44:41 PM »
I really dondt know why we should add a new Faction. Too much work....we implement the italians dont worry :D

The thread's not about general factions to add into the EF Mod, just an opportunity for us to be creative and design new factions that we believe would work in CoH. ;P

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2014, 01:25:42 PM »
This thread has given me ideas...

Suffice to say I'm working on not one, but TWO lists (1 Axis, 1 Allied) for the purpose of covering not just the North African theater... But the entire Mediterranean!
Way I figure... CoH already has the west covered in vanilla (and expansions), and the East is being covered by the EF team... Only 'major' front left is the South!

You may have noticed me asking a bunch of 'feasibility' type questions elsewhere... Now you know why...

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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2014, 01:44:04 PM »
But for the south u will need a lot of italian vehicles  ;D
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Re: Make a Faction concept.
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2014, 02:58:20 AM »
I'm not worried about that, the 'hybrid' German/Italian nature of the list (before Doctrinal stuff is even considered), means that there are actually only 2 Italian vehicles in the 'base' list (not counting variants or doctrinal units).

There is one issue I keep running up against though, prompting the question: "Just how much 'creative licence' can I use in terms of unit/equipment/weapon availability compared to historical fact?"
~ MedMod Dev