Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!  (Read 11007 times)

Offline Riggsman

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2013, 09:34:52 AM »
They ( Relic ) don't rely on the game only but the community. They give tremendous support to the community, they promote every volunteered effort, appreciate it, praise it and share the success. They know very well that a living, proactive community will spread their franchise and keep it at the top. Because they're professionals, they know the dynamics of marketing which EF lacks at in every single aspect of this approach unfortunately.

Offline Gerrit 'Lord Rommel' G.

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2013, 11:11:41 AM »
ROFL im agreed there lol. How about cold war scenario set between 1970 and 80

totaly agree with dmz and burro
if we start a new project it should be the cold war :D
I cant agree. 1970 till 1980 is soo boring.
1950 till 1970-80 -> That is cool! With the last ww2 models and ideas (like M24 Chaffee, Foch tank destroyer, T-44, T-54, Centurion, Cherioteer ect.pp.) and the first new cold war vehilces like the Leo I, AMX 13, T-62, M46 Patton, ect.pp. xD
May the force be with you.

Offline Andreas 'DMz' Boyce

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2013, 02:35:35 PM »
You just got my attention :)
OMG Smoothing !

Offline BurroDiablo

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2013, 03:36:13 AM »
They ( Relic ) don't rely on the game only but the community. They give tremendous support to the community, they promote every volunteered effort, appreciate it, praise it and share the success. They know very well that a living, proactive community will spread their franchise and keep it at the top. Because they're professionals, they know the dynamics of marketing which EF lacks at in every single aspect of this approach unfortunately.

Of course we don't have the same experience, expertise or marketing budget Relic has, we're not a professional games company so to expect that level from us is utterly stupid. But considering what little we do have, I think we've done pretty fucking well.

Offline Riggsman

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2013, 10:18:57 AM »
I evaluate the work not by budget but the intention to keep the community in good health and responding the feed backs with positive attitude. You don't need money for that but capacity of managing a community. Sure indeed that needs expertise which I already said, it lacks here.

I evaluate your performance acc to how many tournaments you held ( money prize is not a must ), how many times you announced the dedicated EF casters on your front page, how you handle the feedback from the competitive players, how you share the success of the Mod ( if there's any ) with the constructive players and praise their work. You don't need money for these too.

If COH2 sucks, it's not because of it lacks animations, models, lay out, engine, snow maps etc but the slow and bad game play design and balance. However they have a great community relation which grants them a continuous "hype" and tolerance. You can't beat that.

Ignorance and arrogance is the enemy of this mod  and even million dollars can't help it.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 10:20:48 AM by Riggsman »

Offline BurroDiablo

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2013, 06:26:47 PM »
Hah, well CoH2 has only been out a week, so having a healthy community should be a given, even the worst games still have a decent healthy community at this point in time (not that I personally think CoH2 is a bad game, I quite enjoyed the beta). Its all well and good to measure stuff arbitrarily, but it's the budget that keeps those things in place. Positive attitudes are simple PR practice, I've worked in PR and I know if you don't stay positive you may very well lose your job since you're essentially the face of the company. At the end of the day, either at Relic or here, the design and balance are still down to a select few people. However we're here because we enjoy what we do, we enjoy it so much we work for free, but we're not here to appease people and we're certainly not here to read spiteful messages from ex-balancers who can't seem to let go. So again, trying to compare a small mod team made up of a handful of people to a multi-million dollar AAA games company, is stupid. Although I suppose it's flattering you can even make that parallel in the first place. ;)

Oh, and a million dollars would certainly help, not the mod since there's only so much we can do with that given it is... you know... a mod. But we could build giant statues to ourselves in the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil poses since we're so ignorant and arrogant :D
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 06:41:25 PM by Burro »

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: Let us Create mod for CoH2!!
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2013, 06:29:12 PM »
Ignorance and arrogance are the enemy of the mod I suppose, but no one said the enemy was only at home right?

You are ignoring a small detail here, this is our FIRST project and it is our hobby, which means we have other things to do rather than focus only in the mod and we are not particularly experienced developers/team members at all. So, expecting something more from us is really foolish no matter from what angle you evaluate the work.

Although I can say we have grown too much while working in this project(at least the active staff), I do expect our next one to be better.

It seems the author of this thread is no longer interested on it, so I'll lock it down until he regains his will because the topic is just being derailed.

Stay out of trouble lads!
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