And I'm back, folks!
So, it occurred to me a little while back that between my work on The Eastern Front, The Great War 1918 and the many personal projects in-between, I am about to reach my 60th Map. Some may be awful, and others a little better, while a fair few, I would imagine that a lot of you have played, and I hope that they have entertained you as much as they have me.
Now, as a tribute to my time with WorldBuilder, and as a salute to Company of Heroes and its devout community of modders on the whole, I present to you a countdown, from Project 55 to 60, visiting new places, revisiting old places, and hopefully, showing off the world of war in the best possible way that I can.
So as a little sneak peak, I offer you a view of what would happen if we revisited the war years after it began.
Hopefully this will give you a few clues!
See you soon!