Hey everyone,
I'm having a major issue with the latest patch. After updating and installing it (I hadn't played CoH in a month or two) I start the game up and begin noticing after a few seconds my menu become slower and slower. Finally the menu stops responding to me altogether - the game locks up and I am unable to even Ctrl+Alt+Del in order to get out of it. I have to hard restart my computer.
I've tried reinstalling the mod but I get the same issues even when doing a fresh install. My lady installed the patch with no issues but my computer doesn't seem to like it. Keep in mind I ran the previous edition of the mod without any issues, it's only now that it seems to dislike the game.
Tales of Valor still runs smoothly and without error on it's own - only the Eastern Front mod causes the game to become so slow that it locks up.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Chip: AMD FX-4100 Quad Core
Memory: 8 GB
Card: ATI Radeon HD5750