Hi me and my friends keep enjoying your amazing expantion, but up to date we have found some bugs while playing with Russians. Im making the list (this is by playing the russians only):
BUG: Ammunition capture points per minute suddenly go to ZEROOO! No ammunition capture points (and some times the gasoline points also go to zero, but is one or the other)
HAPPENS: In any EF map (we havent tried on normal maps) and in any game type: 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4--->we havent tried at 1 vs1
NOTE: The ones using americans and british are not experiencing this strange bug. It happens exactly after building the russian bunkers for protecting the points and gather extra stuff.
BUG: I cant select units with "Control + number" to asign them an specific number for quick selection. This happened just today playing with Panzer elite at EF map and normal map.
So guys, i please thank for any response and help
Good day