Have any of you noticed how Tank Hunters suffer insane damage from Armored cars ? if you try a 1v1 armored car vs tank hunters (even if you use the anti tank grenade) the tank hunters always lose and the Armored car always keeps at least 40% of its health .
And because Soviets lack early game vehicles , German Armored Cars are almost invincible in the early game , Tank Hunters aren't cost effective in dealing with armored cars and Anti Tank guns aren't effective against fast moving vehicles , they are easily circled and once they are circled the crew dies within seconds with the armored car gun .
My suggestion would be to somehow give Tank Hunters better armor against armored car guns or increase their health in general .
Because if you also try 1v1 TankHunters vs PE assault granadiers with panzerschreck you will notice the huge difference in health between the two .