Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]  (Read 5440 times)

Offline Headlock

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[1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:15:34 PM »
Kinsa (Brit-Royal Eng) vs BrainBoru (PE-Scorched Earth)  me
Cl34  (Sov-Prop)             Zinzar     (Wehr-Blitz)

Tough match, completely out-played at the start.
I was a bit cruel to Zinzar with some bossy comments :/
Mean, considering eh helped out at my base several times :(

This game was interesting for two reasons - it highlights just how devastating the Soviet swarm is, and what damn good harrasing fire the Katyusha provides!

We managed to win but only, I'm pretty sure, because Cl43 dropped connection.

Another side note to this game is that it displays just how vulnerable the Brits are to a determined, repetitive counter attack. When the Sovs reverted to AI it gave Zinzar and me the vital breathing space to regroup and counter-attack.

My hummel helped as well in softening up the Brit defenses, and with some base defense :) I was lucky though - counter-battery fire could have nailed it easily.

Comments etc welcome.


The Brit-Sov defensive line shows its power to the Panzer Elite.

Soviet infantry pour past their British comrades.

The British assault on the PE HQ is somehow, miraculously, beaten off.

The final British armor charge is stopped cold by the Wehrmacht's panzers.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 02:03:32 AM by Headlock »
COH tag: BrainBoru

Offline BurroDiablo

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 01:41:04 AM »
I think that highlighted nearly everything I hate about the game.

Brit play was campy and uninspiring, barely ventured from their base ffs!

Your Team mate did hardly anything in the beginning apart from build a doomfort over in the top right corner. All he seemed to do was call on Stormtroopers and blob about the map with them, getting them all bunched up capping points together. He was floating over 1500mp and 350fu at one point which made me cringe, and his micro was awful... I mean, he got 3 Storm squads killed by GOW... that's a first for me. He livened up near the end, but it could have happened a lot sooner.

Soviet player spammed nothing but AT Rifles, which highlights one of the things I feel should be changed. No blob made up entirely of one kind of unit should give you an advantage like that, you were lucky when he dropped, that certainly was the turning point. The AI stopped spamming AT Rifles and starting building Tanks... had the Soviet player coordinated his attacks properly, he could have won the game no problem.

Your play was good, you managed to bring it back a few times, even when your base had been nearly totally destroyed. You also held the game together for the Axis while your team mate did feck all. There were some stupid Incendiary mortars landing on your team mate, but it not like it did any more damage than he was doing to himself.

Overall it was and interesting match, but watching 3 horrible, campy, spammy players made me want to slit my wrists.

Offline GodlikeDennis

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 01:52:17 AM »
Wow, Burro makes it sound like a bad game. I still wish I could watch it but 75% of my state is a declared disaster zone and our capital city is under water, so I can't get home. Thanks for posting some things in the replay section though, it needs it.
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Offline BurroDiablo

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2011, 01:54:57 AM »
Oh shit, Brisbaner eh? Hope everythings alright with you... as much a you can whilst being flooded :-\

Offline Headlock

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2011, 01:59:06 AM »
l. There were some stupid Incendiary mortars landing on your team mate, but it not like it did any more damage than he was doing to himself.

Heh, tbh I dropped those out of frustration and annoyance :D

Love Seelow, btw, one of my favourit emaps!

COH tag: BrainBoru

Offline GodlikeDennis

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2011, 03:16:37 AM »
Oh shit, Brisbaner eh? Hope everythings alright with you... as much a you can whilst being flooded :-\

Yeah, I went up the coast just before it started happening so I can't actually get home. My house is in the outlying areas though so it's fine. I'll be returning to a pretty destroyed city though.
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Offline Paciat

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2011, 08:12:17 AM »
Kinsa (Brit-Royal Eng)...
Cl34  (Sov-Prop)...
We managed to win but only, I'm pretty sure, because Cl43 dropped connection.
Nothing more needs too be said.
Noob game.

I only watched 1/4 of it. Heres my opinion.
The soviet player did well early on, his micro was the best (early on). He knew what he was doing when destroyed youre Mortar HT and then charged into wehrmacht base with his Command Squad and PTRDs. Dont blame him spamming them becouse Ive seen a lot of shreck squad spams. But he sucked when groop capping and getting blown by booby traps. (good work) :D

You lost a lot of units not retreating them in time. (3 man PG squads are weak so I dont blame you)
Youre early scout car usage was good but you teched up wrong. UK + Soviets means no MGs and soldiers armor. You could have got 4 man MP44s + healing + a muni halftrack (it also can reinforce) + flame nades istead of 3 mortars and a IHT.
Mortar HT is only really needed vs US MGs. You lost a MHT to a 17 lbs (when barraging it). Overruning it with MP44 (and maybe recapturing it) would be better.

Both wehrmacht and UK guy sucked bad.
The UK guy build an MG to protect the left fuel point but he deployed all of his trucks in his base! And of course he went RE to get strong emplacements and probably a Churchill.
Wehrmacht guy spammed Storms but didnt know how to use them. He didnt get close with MP44. Group capping is another thing.

I still wish I could watch it but 75% of my state is a declared disaster zone and our capital city is under water, so I can't get home.
Damn sorry to hear that. Didnt watch the news for a month or so.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 08:17:46 AM by Paciat »

Offline SublimeSnugz

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2011, 10:20:03 AM »
Mortar HT is only really needed vs US MGs.

ehmm say what  ??? the mortar HT is badass espeacially in 2v2 games, he should have upgraded them with def vet and kept them alive tho instead of spamming, theyre awefull alot of fuel to loose.

Offline Headlock

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2011, 01:56:38 PM »
Heh, I completely agree, Snug.

I find that MHTs are the best, the most versatile & effective vehicle the PE  have.
  • They are mobile arty support - decent micro saves them
  • They flatten blobs extremely quickly, and with the firebomb, they devastate - the trick is timing, which Cl34 was well aware of. He got inside my radius' very very quickly; he must have suffered from MHTs before!
  • They provide an effective early warning system with their auto fire

Cl34 was smart with rushing groups of Tank Hunters early - this forced retreats on my part. I lost several MHTs trying to adjust to the speed of his tactics, which were very smart. But once I figured out what he was doing you'll see I kept the MHTs falling back and repairing them.

Muni HTs, yes theyre good, but they're a late game addition, for me. Personally, early-mid game I'm not building anything that does not directly add to my firepower. Plus Flame nades cost muni which I save for weapons upgrades.

Finally, I upgrade to OFF Vet as much as possible, I dont believe much in def vet except for inf. And  2-3 MHts isnt spamming - it's making sure you have more than one barrage ability available when a blob attacks - hit 'em hard, hit 'em often, hit 'em fast :)

re: "UK + Soviets means no MGs and soldiers armor." -  ??? They had MG here - brens and MG nests. I dont understand what you mean, although definitely I'd have reached MP44 earlier if it ewasnt for that horrible horrible attack on my base :(.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 02:01:24 PM by Headlock »
COH tag: BrainBoru

Offline SublimeSnugz

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 04:37:47 PM »

I don't belive the MHT is the 1 wonder of the PE, but its definately more usefull than pounding US mgs as paciat claimed. I often use it together with a ATHT - treadbreakeing an enemy tank and taking it down with the MHT from range, its pretty effective. It does well as support against infantry also, some well timed barrages can tear infantry apart, especially british blobs or soviet infantry.
Adding the def vet to the MHT will help you keeping it alive and quickly escape from those assasinations that often ended up killing 2-3 of your MHT's.
About the spamming thing; at one point you had 4 on the field and many more were produced and lost during the game because you had big trouble keeping them alive, WASTE of fuel imo.

watching 3 horrible, campy, spammy players made me want to slit my wrists.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 05:54:26 PM by Snug »

Offline Seeme

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Re: [1.23] 2v2 Wolfheze [updated with pics]
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2011, 03:55:47 PM »
Wow, Burro makes it sound like a bad game. I still wish I could watch it but 75% of my state is a declared disaster zone and our capital city is under water, so I can't get home. Thanks for posting some things in the replay section though, it needs it.

Just saw it on TV, sorry mate.
The Russians think there sooo tough, wait till the Ostheer comes...

Coh Name: Seeme