l. There were some stupid Incendiary mortars landing on your team mate, but it not like it did any more damage than he was doing to himself.
Oh shit, Brisbaner eh? Hope everythings alright with you... as much a you can whilst being flooded
Kinsa (Brit-Royal Eng)...Cl34 (Sov-Prop)......We managed to win but only, I'm pretty sure, because Cl43 dropped connection.
I still wish I could watch it but 75% of my state is a declared disaster zone and our capital city is under water, so I can't get home.
Mortar HT is only really needed vs US MGs.
watching 3 horrible, campy, spammy players made me want to slit my wrists.
Wow, Burro makes it sound like a bad game. I still wish I could watch it but 75% of my state is a declared disaster zone and our capital city is under water, so I can't get home. Thanks for posting some things in the replay section though, it needs it.