Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction  (Read 4454 times)

Offline EightMinds

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EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« on: December 07, 2010, 08:41:17 PM »
My Greetings

Hello, I am EightMinds. I am new to the forum and have had the EF mod for 3 weeks or so. I have been interested in this new Ostheer faction, and thought I'd put forward my own concept. I haven't read many of the other concepts, so in case my ideas seem similar, please note that it is merely coincidence. Now, let's get down to business.

1.Starting Out

The Ostheer starts out with a Command Center, as the other Axis factions do but they have no defenses. Instead, they rely on their infantry and armor units to defend the base when necessary. They also start with a Recon Team instead of a builder unit, somewhat like the Panzer Elite.


Command Center

The primary building of the Ostheer, it produces Combat Pioneers and Recon Teams, as well as some upgrades.

Produces/Upgrades :

- Cb. Pioneers ( A four man squad of builders, armed with Kar98s and a MP40 for the sergeant, they are hardier than the Wehrmacht's pioneers, and may be upgraded with a mine detector)

- Recon Team ( A five man volksgrenadier squad, armed with MP40s, are trained to scout ahead from the rest of the army. They run and capture points faster than other infantry, and may sprint for brief periods of time to get to a position quicker, flank an enemy weapons team, or escape their untimely deaths)

- Medical stations ( Any units near Command Centers and Command Posts will be automatically healed )


This building ensures that the Ostheer efficiently receive their supplies.

Produces/Upgrades :

- Upgrade Supply Lines ( 25% bonus munitions and fuel from captured points)

- Further Upgrade Supply Lines ( 50% bonus munitions and fuel from captured points )


A garrison-able building which produces the Ostheer's infantry and support units.


-Ostgrenadier Platoon ( Produces three squads of six Ostgrenadiers at once. All of them use Kar98s, with sergeants wielding MP40s. Squads may be upgraded with Flammenwerfers, Panzershrecks or MG34s, if the corresponding upgrade has been purchased )

-MG42 Fireteam ( A machine gun team of four to suppress enemy infantry while supporting our own )

-GrW 42 Fireteam ( A mortar team of four to provide close range artillery support )

-Sharpshooter Team ( A team of two; a sniper, and a spotter )

-7.5 cm Pak 97/38 ( An anti-tank gun to provide anti-armor support to infantry )

-Infanterie-Support Add-on ( Unlocks the MG, GrW, MG34 and Flammenwerfer )

-Panzerjaeger Add-on ( Unlocks the Pak and Panzershreck for the Ostgrenadiers to use )


The Ostheer's answer to light or specialized vehicles.

Produces/Upgrades :

-Flak 37 ( Heavy anti-air gun/anti-tank artillery manhandled by a group of 10 Ostgrenadiers )

-Sd.Kfz. 251 ( Half-track to support and carry infantry )

-Panzer 38(t) ( Light tank to support infantry )

-Grille ( Self-propelled artillery )


Finally, the Ostheer can bring in the heavy armor.


-Panzer IV ( Main battle tank )

-StuH 42 ( Assault howitzer )

-Elefant ( Heavy self-propelled anti-tank gun)

Command Post

The Ostheer's variation of the OP. Can be garrisoned, and also reinforce and heal nearby squads with the Medical Stations upgrade.


1)Total Assault - "strike fast, strike hard,"

Blitzkrieg Tactics

-Rapid Control ( Units capture points twice as fast )

-Inspiring Charge ( All units will sprint for a brief period, ignoring suppression, but also positive cover )

-Lightning battle group ( Call in two Panthers and three squads of Stormtroopers (armed with StG44s) )

Support Options

-Marauders ( Improves infantry health, damage and accuracy, especially when firing on the move )

-Panzerknacker ( a single Henschel Hs 129 swoops down to drop exploding death upon those below )

-Thunder God ( A mortar bombardment from the Thor is enough to make anyone, be it Yank, Tommie or Slav, to their knees )

2)Communications - "knowing is half the battle,"


-Infiltrator ( A spy will be sneaked into enemy territory to gather information, and is always camouflaged )

-Tackle Supply Lines ( Knowledge of the enemy supply lines allow us to steal ten percent of their fuel and munitions )

-Situational Report ( All enemy units will be marked out on the mini-map, even through the fog of war )


-Death before Dishonor ( Inspire our troops to fight harder with propaganda )

-Treachery ( Even the enemy's own people turn against them! )

-Free Legions ( The Waffen SS have helped us by reducing troop costs by fifty percent )

3)Allied Support - "Many hands make light work,"

Rumänien und Ungarn

-Foreign Supplies ( +20 to Fuel and Munitions )

-Romanian Medics ( The troops prefer nurses, but these medics heal nearby infantry and put up a decent fight.

-Mixed Battle group ( A mechanized infantry force of Hungarian Grenadiers, backed up by a 40M Turán I, takes the field )


-Italian Light Infantry ( A veteran squad from the African Theatre will assist us )

-Semovente ( The Italians finally made something good! The Semovente is an excellent tank destroyer )

-210mm Barrage ( Whoever bears witness to the destruction this barrage causes will beg, if they still live )


All Ostheer units gain veterancy through combat like ohe factions, but their bonuses are different..


For every level of veterancy a squad/team recieves (except sniper), they gain extra damage and an extra squad member.

Also, all infantry become unsuppressable by Vetercy level 2, and can use camo by level 3. ( Note, infantry, not weapons teams )


They receive speed bonuses through each level.

At level 2, if possible, vehicles will receive armor skirts and gunners, and by level 3, they may use Overdrive with no cost.

Danke, kamerade.

Offline neosdark

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 04:35:43 AM »
Okay I looked at your concept and i think its a pretty solid and sane concept. However i have ze following problems

1) You cannot /should not have a really fast recon squad in the HQ, it is extremely fast and can cap half the map quickly, not too fair considering the fact that it can shoot back (the one disadvantage of the PE start units)

2) An Elefant as a regular buildable AT Tank might work but it might not, because if its high power and armor.

3) The Foreign Volunteers doctrine is extremly flammy because everyone wants their nation in the Ost, which means that either no one or "everyone" will get in. Use generic names (like Nordic Volunteers or European Support)

4) Why such large Support Squads, the Soviets used to need them due to the Strawman glitch which has been resolved, so not needed.

5) No Defenses Whatsoever???? Really, not even a doctrine or unit for it? The Ost represents the entire Ost front through 1945. So you should have some defenses, at minimum some mines, and a bunker-like structure.

6) You have no transport unit (no halftrack, no truck etc.) and i think the Ost should be a mobile faction (my opinion of course)

For now that's all I can complain about, i hope some other guys will comment on your Design, so you can get even more ideas   

Offline EightMinds

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2010, 09:29:09 AM »
I see where you are going there, and maybe I could fix those problems with :

1)I don't expect them to be strong or anything, but just to make sure that the Ostheer are mobile enough to cap points, as I also think they should be a mobile faction. Maybe limit them to 1 or 2 squads per player, or put them higher up the tech tree, will that work?

2)The Elefant would be a late game AT tank, not a 'regular' one. The Ostheer would have to rely on their infantry/AT guns to deal with vehicles.

3) Would European Volunteers and Italian Support work, then?

4) The same reason why they don't have defenses, they should have large Support Squads to ensure they have a mobile defense.

5) Above, also, I forgot to add mines and light defenses, sorry. :-X

6) The Sd.Kfz. 251, produced by the Zeughaus.

I hope that answers those problems.  ;)

Offline Seeme

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2010, 12:55:42 PM »
Since when was it though 1945?
The Russians think there sooo tough, wait till the Ostheer comes...

Coh Name: Seeme

Offline EightMinds

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 05:57:47 PM »
Since when was it though 1945?

Uh, is there a weapon there which is out of the timeline?

if so, please enlighten me.

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2010, 06:04:14 PM »
Since when was it though 1945?

Uh, is there a weapon there which is out of the timeline?

if so, please enlighten me.
You don't, neosdark does.
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Offline EightMinds

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 06:13:33 PM »
Oh, alright. Thanks.

Offline Griptonix

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Re: EightMind's concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 09:29:44 PM »
My only thing is the fascination with the grille...I love playing as the Germans and the grille makes an appearance in many different mods and I fail to see the draw towards it in place of the hummel or wespe.
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Offline neosdark

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Re: EightMind\'s concept for the Ostheer faction
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2010, 12:04:07 AM »
Since when was it though 1945?

Since we had the Battle of Berlin as a playable map :D

Post Merge: December 09, 2010, 12:22:00 AM
Since when was it though 1945?

Uh, is there a weapon there which is out of the timeline?

if so, please enlighten me.
You don't, neosdark does.

You are right, i'm armed with an StG 44 with a 45 degree Kraumlauf. Oh, wait it's from WW2!!!!

Since when do i have weapons that are out of the timeline Bishop. All the guns in my concept are in time-line (perhaps not well known but that's its own problem, i'm pretty sure you have never heard of the Austrian Windbüchse), perhaps they are prototypes but they still fit.

Anyway back on topic: I like your suggestions for correction Eightmind, but i still don't like the large squads for support units, larger squads should be slower IMO, its harder to command 6 people, than 3 people, although i imagine that you mean each squad member shares a piece of the MG system (tripod, belts,etc.) thus making them faster.

Anyway the limit for the recon guys i like. :D
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 12:22:00 AM by neosdark »