Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: New units to red army  (Read 3188 times)

Offline GameMan

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New units to red army
« on: August 27, 2010, 06:42:46 PM »

I think there should be new units to red army like:
Russian motors - like german BMV
Russian HMG - from films. Russians must have a hmg, because in other way they are quite weak in defending.
TRUCK!!!! - on bigger maps Russians can't move fast or smth like that, and they aremy is usally made by infantry. In this case, before Russians will get to enemy, a lot of time passes. Pls add these trucks, it would really help!
Propaganda truck - truck wich would give us morale etc.

Upgrades to units:
Tank hunters - dog. During the Holy War Russians trained dogs to go under the tank, because usually they were able to find some food there. During the battle, they were running to enemy tanks, and then, blowed up(poor dogs ;/). It's not a joke, It's fact. It would be a nice upgrade to tunk hunters. Dog for 50 ammunition. It would work as goliat. For me, geat idea.


T-90 - what is it? It's so unknown tank, that it should be removed and replaced with for examble BT tank or any other Russian light tank.

That's all folks!
Thx for listening ;].

Offline Tico_1990

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Re: New units to red army
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2010, 07:09:46 PM »
Russians aren't weak in defending if used properly. Also, the addition of a HMG will not significantly improve their defensive capabilities.
Russian Motors, why? (apart from hunting snipers?)
Truck, a good suggestion, all armies have the option to build a troop transport so I guess the Russians could use one as well. On the other hand, the Russian faction in CoH was build as a tank/infantry army, not a mechanised infantry+tanks army.
Propaganda truck is a no need given the fact that their is virtually no moral system present. Having a morale booster like for example the generals and "Great cross" of M2TW is therefore not needed, nor logical.

As for the dog unit which you suggested. It is a proven fact that the Russians tried this. It is also proven that it wasn't particularly effective. Reason being is that the Russians trained them using their own tanks, which meant that in battle, the dogs would go to their own tanks, not the German ones. Apart from those facts, it will also be hellish to code.
I agree though that it would be sort of fun though.


Offline Blackbishop

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Re: New units to red army
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2010, 09:32:54 PM »
There's already a thread for this:

Unit - Reward suggestions thread

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