I was wondering if this was working as intended. I had an non upgraded tank hunter team (single at rifle) shooting up a mortar half track which was being repaired by an engineer team (non vetted). I could not out damage the repair, IE they could repair faster then I could hurt it.
To me this doesn't seem right. Now I am not saying the PTRD rifle needs to do more damage but maybe it has to do more with the lack of penetration of the other team members rifles.
Russians have a heck of a time vs Panzer elite armor, be it the half tracks, kerkrand , or what not compared to the US or Brits. Was the Mosin Nangent (sp?) that bad of a rifle compared to the lee enfield or M1 Garand?
Apologize if this has been discussed before as I am new to the forums. I mean if the reason the Mosin has such poor penetration on PE armor is because of the availability of the tank hunter squads I would figure they should be a little better at taking down armor. With out the AT nade I have a very difficult time dealing with armor and even then you have to mass them as the die like flies.