Name: Calavera
Contact info:
Steam: Calavera357
Aim: calavera357
What you think you can contribute to our mod:
I have general experience with Maya 2010, but focus mainly on Animation, with moderate modeling, texturing and rigging skill.
How active you think you can be:
I'm out of work and take night classes in Animation history; I have tons of time I could put to practical use.
Previous work:
I used to work for a vineyard, and a valet. As far as art goes I've been practicing since I could talk, and gaming for almost as long.
Examples of your work:
newbielink: [nonactive]
A demo real will be linked here fairly soon, as well.
Other notes:
I've been studying to become a game designer for 2 years.
It's ALL in the details and nuances...