I'm a collector Out of my family i have a number of "high important"historical documents out of the time from 1933 till 1939.Other stuff is my italian caracano, my Wehrmachts helmetand other real parts of a Wehrmachts uniform.Well. And a number of replicas but u hadnt asked for them, so i wont talk about this things
I dont collect much, simply because it expensive, but i got some good stuff.An American feild jacket made in 1943.An original WWI doughboy helmet.DDR officers hat.Spanish-German helmet.Russian Fur parade hat.Mosin Nagant.Confederate money. not to mention all the belts, ammo pouches, ammo boxes, and other small stuff.
Hey there, outstanding list of ecuipment you guys have. I do not consider myself a colecter but i have a couple of so called war merit crosses, from Germany stored in a box somewhere on my ceiling. could be awesome if you guys posted some pics from your collection.
Lol Nice room.I dont collect alot, but my grandfather has 1 thing that beats all your other things.An M1 Sherman.I dont know where it is now, but my grandfather owns one. When I was 9, I went inside it. Its wasnt comforble. My grandfather was in ww2 and he's a collector. Hes rich and has alot of boring things but I think thats the coolest thing about him.I love my Grandpa!