Want to point out following situation (occured with me SEVERAL TIMES):
I have ZiS-2, and german tank/gun/mortar shot at it. Near explosion destroyes gun itself, and (of course - like simular Mk.I or Pak-38) 4 of crew (it is with "upgraded ZiS-2 with 5 men crew). I understand that algorythm is when gun is destryed, all crew dies. It works correct with Pak-38 or Mk.I (4 men crew), but with upgraded ZiS-2 with 5 men crew - always get killed only 4 of crew, and 1 left alive. That alive crewman, have his Mosin rifle, and act like Strelki rifleman, and even could be refreshed (near his base or avanpost) to full 5 men crew (but this time all of them without their gun!!!)
Next strange thing:
I've noted, that when You choose "that last one survivour" and get Your mouse cursor to "empty" enemy gun (Pak-38), cursor looks like "it is possible to retake".
But: when You order them to retake Pak-38, game crash immediatly.
Pls, let all artillery crews die alltogether, with no one survived, to avoid that strange situations.