Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Mosin Nagont  (Read 7042 times)

Offline Snoman120

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Mosin Nagont
« on: September 14, 2008, 12:13:13 AM »
I noticed when i was looking through the forums that the only pic of the your Mosin Nagont model is an m-38 carbine (that was also what was used in Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2). The problem is that the Russians only issued m-38s to people who could use a carbine (Like Scouts,Truck Drivers...). The Russian standard issue was the m91-30. The barrel on a m91-30 was about 8 inches longer(like this [nofollow]. vs. This [nofollow]). Another thing is that there are a lot of incorrect mosin nagont pouches. this is a pic (its kind of a cruddy repro) of a correct one [nofollow]. This is an incorrect one [nofollow]. The mane diffrence is the correct one is made of the same color dark brown leather were the in correct is a combonation between pleather and real leather. As i've stated earlier i am colorblind and not very artistic so otherwise i could probably skin them myself
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