I don't even say about this forum rules to not be good...
The problem is =>allot of people don't even know what's about words like trolling,spaming,or flaming.
With clear rules will be no confusion,or excuses ...
Off-topic Posting (1 or 2 points)
Topicality is expected and will be enforced on all forums, so take the extra time to post on the proper forum. Examples of off-topic posting include, but are not limited to:
Threads that are not related to the topic of the forum in question, or that contain no material that can reasonably be discussed
Posts that are not related to the topic of the thread in question, or that contain no material that can reasonably be discussed
Re-posting threads that you know have already been posted elsewhere
In the Discussion and Debate forums, statements about other members, whether implicit or explicit, are off-topic. Statements that disrupt the discussion, regardless of intent, will be singled out in particular.
Any quote of another member in a signature has to be fully referenced by use of a link to the quoted post and not be edited as to blatantly misrepresent the wording of the quoted member.
Unsolicited advertisement for any website, product, service, or facility not first approved by TWC staff
You can advertise websites, products, etc. in your signature, avatar, or other profile fields, as long as you post productively and don't just try to get exposure for your advertisements. Recommendation of websites, products, or other resources are also allowed if relevant to legitimate discussions.
Disruptive Posting (3 or 6 Points)
Any series of posts whose nature is designed to disrupt the flow of conversation, radically change the topic of the thread derailing discussion and/or illicit a response that violates these Terms of Service. Single posts of this nature may fall under the Off-Topic violation.
Defying Moderators (3 or 6 Points)
Any action that disregards a staff moderator's specific request, whether the request is made by a post in the thread, by PM to the user, or by other means such as, but not limited to, forum Announcements. The requests can be, but are not limited to:
Re-posting content (text, images, video, etc) that was previously removed by a moderator
Re-posting a thread on a topic that was previously closed by a moderator
Ignoring a thread warning made by a moderator
Taking action that has previously been warned against by a moderator
Refusing to follow reasonable directives pertaining to moderation
Insulting Others (3 or 6 points)
Posts clearly insulting other board members, individually or as a group, directly or indirectly, are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
Name-calling ("You're an idiot", "You moron")
Direct insults ("Screw you")
Offensive orders ("Go kill yourself")
Using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language
Using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, handicap, nationality, or gender as a means of insult, either directly or implied
Insinuations ("Are you stupid or something?") or insults towards family ("Your mom...")
Instead, members should criticize the post, not the poster. SEGA, the Creative Assembly, and related bodies are considered board members for this purpose, since some of them are. You can still criticize their games without insulting them personally.
Obscene Content (3, 6, or 12 points)
Obscene content is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
Providing images or videos of nudity. Nudity includes:
Any figure whose genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, or (if female) nipples or areolas are exposed, partially or totally; or are not exposed, but it's clear that this is only because of the angle of the shot or incidental intervening objects (e.g., hands, hair, bits of cloth).
Visible outlines of a penis, scrotum, female nipples or female genitals through clothing (e.g., "camel toes").
Anything that falls narrowly outside the previous provisions, at the discretion of the moderators.
This applies to photographs, drawings, or any other representation of humanoid figures. It may also apply to non-humanoid figures such as animals, at the discretion of the moderators. Nudity may be permitted for serious and non-titillating purposes, such as the exhibition of recognized art or historical models in modifications, at the discretion of the moderators.
Providing image, video, or audio files that represent or hint at sexual intercourse, foreplay, masturbation, etc.
Verbally describing genitals, sex acts, masturbation, or similarly inappropriate content. This does not include passing references, but includes descriptions that are graphic or include any details.
Providing images, videos, or verbal descriptions of an unreasonably disgusting nature. This includes, but is not limited to: excrement, real-world violence, and extreme virtual or imagined violence.
Promoting Illegal Activities (4 or 8 points)
Posts that promote violation of the law are not allowed. Violation of the law includes, but is not limited to:
Substantial use of copyrighted material without permission. Examples of acceptable uses would be brief quotes, fan art, signature/avatar images, brief video clips (e.g., YouTube), screenshots, or reasonably limited decorative images in a mod. Unacceptable uses would include entire songs, long videos, large collections of images, altered game executables, pirated operating systems, unmodified game files (except those released by the developers themselves, for example converted .bin files released by CA for M2TW) that are not essential parts of modifications or anything that competes with the work you're copying (i.e., people might just download your copy instead of buying the original). The exact threshold of substantial use will be decided on a case-by-case basis ― if in doubt, ask a Senior Moderator or Administrator.
Obtaining or providing ways to circumvent copy protection. This includes no-CD hacks, key generators, hacked ROMs, etc.
Cheating in online games, or otherwise violating license agreements.
Possessing, distributing, or using drugs in a way that would be illegal in most jurisdictions (e.g., owning marijuana).
"Promoting" illegal activity includes, but is not limited to:
Asking for someone else to commit an illegal activity (e.g., asking for a cracked game).
Assisting someone else in an illegal activity (e.g., linking to a site that distributes cracked games).
Encouraging or advocating an illegal activity, or portraying it as normal or acceptable (e.g., casually mentioning that you have pirated games/smoked pot/etc. as though this were normal and acceptable). Exceptions will be made for threads that are devoted to serious discussion of illegal activities in an abstract sense (e.g., about whether copyright law should be relaxed or marijuana should be legalized), on a case-by-case basis.
What exactly qualifies as illegal depends on jurisdiction. When jurisdictions differ on whether something is legal, moderators will decide on a case-by-case basis which jurisdiction to follow.
Harassment or Invasion of Privacy (4 or 8 points)
Continual harassing behavior directed towards a certain individual or group with the intent of creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment on the boards, with or without use of explicit or implicit threats is prohibited. Posting private information without permission is also prohibited.