So Ive played around and here are my list of bugs/glitches I have encountered. I managed to recreate all these on Burros map, though I dont know if they are active or as prominent on other maps
1. Some annoying graphics glitch where wreckages of both new Soviet and German Vehicles produce huge grey/white squares on the minimap. They are selectable and are in control of "world" but have a purple fill in color as their symbol.
Here is an example of a t-34. Notice in the minimap that there is a big white square where the t-34 is. Notice in the
tactical view the square does not show up. This isn't just Russian tanks.
Tiger and corresponding
tactical map view. This happens on all maps with these wreckages (such as Kursk)
2. Conscript discipline describes as "Execute a member to break suppression". Not sure if that was a joke or a glitch that its not working as intended but look below
Here you can plainly see the ability activated, however, the squad is at full force.
3. Zis-2 gun has a price of 150 munitions to active its HEAT rounds for 8 seconds. This seems ridiculous, so I am going to assume this is a mess up in the code.
Screenshot: Notice
here that the ability states it costs 150 mun and I have highlighted my current mun before and after to prove it does not just say it but makes you
pay for it.
4. ISU-152 seems to have some graphical problems.
Screenshot: First off,
no symbol on the unit. Not a biggie, just a pet peeve. The annoying part is when I opened my strategic map and saw
this! On a side note, I shouldnt be able to have 3 on the field either
5. What does beast hunter ability do exactly? When I press the ability, it simply makes it so my ISU-152 cannot move from my perspective. There is no sign that the ability is active or not. Just curious as to what it is supposed to/is doing while active
6. Finally a bit of a pet peeve, but the designation ML-20 on the artillery is never mentioned

This one is not so important, just pointing it out
Screenshot: Neither on the
artillery piece itself nor in the
ingenery build menu.
Well thats is what i have found so far. Anyone else who has found similar bugs/glitches feel free to post here