It was dead for a while, but is now back in business apparently.Give it a look, they'll probably give an update fairly soon.
Take a look on the last page of the relicforums thread.The mods creator posted just over a month ago saying it isnt dead and there's going to be news soon Hmm, the Eastern Front in WWI had trenches just like in the West
The Eastern Front of the WWI was more mobile, and the World War I turned into the Revolution and the Civil War, in which the important role played by the cavalry and the rail-road.
Aye, simple isnt always good though. This mod would've been alot simpler if they included lend-lease shermans etc, but it wouldn't be as good. Same with the Great War mod, whilst it may be harder to make WWI style trench warfare, in the end it will be alot more fun and different than just playing CoH where the Germans have pointy hats.Slightly exaggerated i know, but you get the point.Besides, what could possibly be more fun than standing in waste high muddy water waiting for certain death?
The Great War 1918 is definitely still active. It is looking pretty awesome, too.