Havent tried BF4 but I really enjoyed all the earlier BFs games. Especially with the frostbite engine where you can destroy walls and all that shit, The COD engine is like... from 2003 ? Dont get me wrong, its a good engine but you can really destroy that much stuff like in BF and destroying is always fun

BF also got vehicles and other cool stuff!

The only thing I want is BF to go back to ww2 <3
Edit: Whats up with players this days? All the highlevels got super OP weapons? I mean come on thats half the fun. Everybody is crying about balance between the two teams.
Take ww2 for example where Americans have semi automatic rifles and the German got bolt action.
You cant seriously make a ww2 game any longer because everybody would go bananaz and screaming about the Americans being OP XD
(RO2: Rising storm for example where everybody says the Americans are OP, jesus I win as the japanese all the time?)
I mean, use captured guns? Keep them on distance? Deal with it and try to get to that lvl too? It a bigger challange if you use a ¨worse¨ weapon than the opponent. The bigger the challange, the bigger the fun <3