This is a 1v1 VP game played by myself (Stormless) & opponent Jolli-Sam. I lose this but I felt it was a good game and good SU play from Jolli-Sam.
Both of us have only had EF a while but still a well played match. I'm impressed at how well this mod is made, everything seems fairly balanced even into late game & the vast differences in play and tech style between the two new armies is really great at creating exciting new gameplay.
As a preferred OH player so far possibly my only problem is with the tier 3 AT-gun & tier 2 AT infantry. As you will see in this game I struggle to gain enough fuel to effectively combat armour as I'm too busy spending fuel upgrading my infantry in order to combat high soviet numbers. I find the AT infantry available in tier 2 are really quite weak even if you manage to get them out early against light vehicles. Chasing down anything except the slowest of unprotected armour does not seem like an option.
Enjoy the game play!