So, looking through all of the plans I have yet to make into maps, a question entered my mind:
How many Victory Points do you prefer?
Although the map rules for EF specifically state that there should be an uneven amount, in order to keep it competitive and prevent stalemates, I have to say that I think it changes depending on the map. Not that I intend to change EF's rules, but playing maps like Vire River Valley in which there are only four create some interesting games! While the VP points are no competitive, the resource layout still is, and it promotes invasive gameplay, in which you have to force your way through no man's land in order to take the advantage.
Of course, this is map-specific, and my opinion alone, but I want to know what you guys think!
So, even or uneven, and how many VP's specifically? Three? Four? Five?
Let me know!