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EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
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Topic: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens (Read 7977 times)
Posts: 4
EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
February 01, 2012, 11:22:46 AM »
I state that I've already read all similar posts but I've not found a solution to my issue.
These are my facts:
- I've a Windows 7 64 bit installation
- I've already installed COH, OF and TOV on Steam and all are working fine and updated to the last version (2.602)
- EF is correctly installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\company of heroes and I had no errors with updates
but every time i click "Play" on EF launcher nothing happens...
The EF_Launcher_log.txt report this:
###### Eastern Front Launcher Log ######
###### newbielink:
Created : 01/02/2012 11:13:15
OS Build : Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Launcher Version:
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Retriving Eastern Front Mod version from registry...
Eastern Front Version:
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Creating a new instance of Eastern Front Launcher...
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Initializing...
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Checking language file version...
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Language file check passed.
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Creating tooltips...
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Tooltips created.
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Initialized Succesfully.
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Preparing to check for updates...
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Creating update thread...
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Updated thread started.
01/02/2012 11:13:15 : MESSAGE : Gathering update information...
01/02/2012 11:13:16 : MESSAGE : Update information recieved.
01/02/2012 11:13:16 : MESSAGE : Reading update information...
01/02/2012 11:13:16 : MESSAGE : Retriving Eastern Front Mod version from registry...
Is there someone who can help me with this problem?
Allied Commander
Posts: 761
I have no anti armor capability!
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #1 on:
February 01, 2012, 03:29:16 PM »
Try to create a shortcut that starts the mod
(un)official forum troll
In Soviet Russia, Forum troll You!
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 12053
Community Manager, Programmer and Kicker
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #2 on:
February 01, 2012, 05:25:49 PM »
Open EF launcher, go to settings, check & fix the option named CoH Directory if it points out to a different place rather than your correct directory.
Mors Indecepta
Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...
Posts: 4
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #3 on:
February 01, 2012, 08:25:03 PM »
The option CoH directory is correct, it's the same as installation: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\company of heroes"...
What else?
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 12053
Community Manager, Programmer and Kicker
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #4 on:
February 01, 2012, 08:38:13 PM »
Could you post an screenshot of your CoH directory in order to check it? Make sure all the files appear in the screenshot.
Mors Indecepta
Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...
Posts: 4
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #5 on:
February 01, 2012, 08:50:21 PM »
The directory content of coh with a dir command is the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\company of heroes>dir
Il volume nell'unità C non ha etichetta.
Numero di serie del volume: A06A-6AB3
Directory di C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\company of heroes
01/02/2012 20:26 <DIR> .
01/02/2012 20:26 <DIR> ..
01/02/2012 15:31 621 20540_install.vdf
01/02/2012 14:32 1.500.552 Archive.exe
01/02/2012 15:19 40.960 atimgpud.dll
01/02/2012 14:20 264.272 BsSndRpt.exe
01/02/2012 12:07 229.456 BugSplat.dll
01/02/2012 12:06 157.064 BugSplatRc.dll
01/02/2012 13:26 <DIR> CoH
01/02/2012 12:17 7 cohtov.txt
01/02/2012 12:35 1.030.144 dbghelp.dll
01/02/2012 14:52 33.672 Debug.dll
01/02/2012 12:06 413.696 DivxDecoder.dll
01/02/2012 12:19 86.016 DivxMediaLib.dll
01/02/2012 12:37 <DIR> DLC1
01/02/2012 12:05 <DIR> DLC2
01/02/2012 12:25 <DIR> DLC3
01/02/2012 14:59 15.752 DllTie.dll
01/02/2012 15:31 <DIR> DX_redist_install
01/02/2012 20:24 <DIR> Eastern_Front
25/12/2011 16:24 14.541 Eastern_Front.module
07/12/2009 05:16 2.111 EF_DLC1.module
07/12/2009 05:16 2.111 EF_DLC2.module
07/12/2009 05:16 2.111 EF_DLC3.module
06/09/2011 14:23 1.211.904 EF_Launcher.exe
01/02/2012 20:22 <DIR> EF_LauncherData
01/02/2012 20:27 241 EF_Launcher_Config.ini
01/02/2012 20:44 1.278 EF_Launcher_Log.txt
07/12/2009 05:16 1.183 EF_OPS.module
01/02/2012 20:26 <DIR> EF_Updates
01/02/2012 12:03 <DIR> Engine
26/05/2011 17:19 46.592 FactionFix.dll
01/02/2012 15:13 86.016 FileParser.dll
01/02/2012 12:59 317.832 Filesystem.dll
01/02/2012 12:10 352.256 ijl15.dll
01/02/2012 15:12 25.480 Input.dll
01/02/2012 15:09 305 installscript.vdf
01/02/2012 12:05 1.325 instscript.vdf
01/02/2012 12:04 7.127.040 libacml_mp_dll.dll
01/02/2012 15:18 196.608 libguide40.dll
01/02/2012 15:06 643.072 libifcoremd.dll
01/02/2012 15:27 2.314.332 libmmd.dll
01/02/2012 12:03 24 Locale.ini
01/02/2012 12:06 74.120 Localizer.dll
01/02/2012 15:28 214.920 LuaConfig.dll
16/12/2009 22:10 4.608 LuaExtCore.dll
01/02/2012 15:14 722.312 MathBox.dll
01/02/2012 14:57 62.344 Memory.dll
01/02/2012 15:13 <DIR> MilesRedist
01/02/2012 13:14 103.816 ModManager.dll
01/02/2012 14:50 444.416 mss32.dll
09/04/2010 20:04 335.872 MySql.Data.dll
01/02/2012 13:13 3.327.368 NetConfig.dll
01/02/2012 13:44 135.048 Platform.dll
01/02/2012 13:56 11.656 PlatHook.dll
01/02/2012 12:07 22.920 Profiler.dll
01/02/2012 12:03 44.072 Readme_Italian.txt
01/02/2012 12:03 303.249 Release_Notes.txt
01/02/2012 15:23 9.268.104 RelicCOH.exe
01/02/2012 15:03 254 RelicCOH.ini
01/02/2012 14:01 9.550 RelicCOH.module
01/02/2012 15:11 2.106 RelicDLC1.module
01/02/2012 12:07 2.106 RelicDLC2.module
01/02/2012 13:26 2.106 RelicDLC3.module
01/02/2012 15:29 <DIR> RelicDownloader
01/02/2012 13:30 <DIR> RelicOnline
01/02/2012 13:44 1.228 RelicOps.module
01/02/2012 12:23 424.840 Shark.dll
01/02/2012 12:57 1.011.080 SimEngine.dll
01/02/2012 13:54 96 spDevices.lua
01/02/2012 13:15 633.736 spDx10.dll
01/02/2012 15:20 693.640 spDx9.dll
01/02/2012 12:16 138.632 Spooge.dll
01/02/2012 15:22 144 STEAM_local.ini
01/02/2012 12:08 622 STEAM_RelicCOH.ini
01/02/2012 12:21 509.320 STLPort.5.1.dll
01/02/2012 15:27 5.449 sysconfig.lua
01/02/2012 15:31 <DIR> tovredist
01/02/2012 20:24 61.427 uninstaller.exe
01/02/2012 13:48 390.536 UserInterface.dll
01/02/2012 15:09 285.064 Util.dll
01/02/2012 15:31 <DIR> validators
01/02/2012 12:04 <DIR> VCRedist
01/02/2012 15:23 <DIR> WorldBuilder
01/02/2012 15:24 7.708.040 WorldBuilder.exe
01/02/2012 12:03 <DIR> WW2
01/02/2012 15:33 6.652.808 WW2Mod.dll
01/02/2012 14:56 45.960 XThread.dll
69 File 49.772.143 byte
19 Directory 138.686.783.488 byte disponibili
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\company of heroes>
As you can see I've just made an install from scratch of CoH before installing EF.... but still not working...
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 12053
Community Manager, Programmer and Kicker
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #6 on:
February 01, 2012, 09:09:55 PM »
It is odd indeed, don't know why it doesn't work... maybe you have two versions of CoH installed? (Steam and Retail)
Then you can create a shorcut to make EF run properly:
How to create an Eastern Front shorcut
Mors Indecepta
Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...
Posts: 4
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #7 on:
February 02, 2012, 09:59:17 AM »
I've installed Steam version only (no retail) so I've modified the Launch Options in the game Library -> Properties adding "-dev -mod Eastern_Front -nomovies" and now it works!
I can guess now that the problem is the EF launcher itself! May be a bug?
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 4454
Re: EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens
Reply #8 on:
February 02, 2012, 11:43:17 AM »
I'm pretty sure that instruction is covered in the steam install instructions.
If you get into an argument with me, you're wrong.
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Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only)
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EF just installed on Steam version, after "Play" nothing happens