Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Ostheer Concept by Cephalos v 2.0  (Read 6206 times)

Offline cephalos

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Ostheer Concept by Cephalos v 2.0
« on: October 02, 2010, 03:43:35 PM »
I rethought some things and make few corrections.

I decided to make Ostheer basic units very good in static defence, however lacking in mobile strike force. That's why choosing doctrine is so important.

Enjoy and leave a comment. Cheers!  ;)

Ostheer HQ
Landesschutze ( 1xMP44, 4x Kar98)
Landesschutze are trained mostly in defence. They build all base buildings, and all defences ( sandbags, MG42 pits, barbed wire). They are main battle infantry of Ostheer. They are tougher and harder to kill, however their martial skills are on poor level.
- throw granate ( 20mun, 120 sec cooldown) - soilders throw granate
Upgrades: ( 2 slots)
- 2xMp40 (50 mun)
- 1xLMG34(50 mun)
- 1xPanzershreck(75 mun)
Specialists are incredible important part of Ostheer. They are only way to tech up, however they have useful abilities. There are six specialists: Offzier, Radiooperator, Scharfschutze, Unterfeldwebel, Medic and Propaganda Offizer. Player can't field two or more specialists of the same type ( ie. two medics). Every time when player want to tech up, he must choose unit, which specialist will join. He becomes additional part of squad armed with his personal weapon and always die at least. There can't be more than three specialists at the moment. Specialist can't be removed, and if player wants to use another specialist on his place, he must die with entire squad. Joining squads can be only done in hq sector. Choose wisely.

Offizier - this experienced officer often leads charges and issues orders, to increase nearby units performance. Armed with MP40.
-Fire on my target! (30 sec cooldown) - Selected enemy unit is easier to hit.
-Move! Move! Move! ( 30 sec cooldown) - selected player's or allied unit starts to run. They suffer 10 sec of fatigue after running.
-Incoming! ( 30 sec cooldown) - selected player's squad become supressed, however they get elite armour for 15 seconds.
-Inspiring presence (passive) - the view of officer on the frontline inspires units to fight harder! All unit's get +5% accuracy.

Radiooperator - every offensive should have artiliery support. Radiooperator has powerful radio on his back, allowing him to call-in strikes when needed. Armed with kar98.
-Mortars! ( 50 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - mortar strike drops on designated area.
-Artiliery! ( 100 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - artiliery fires on designated area
-Rockets! ( 150 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - 150mm rockets fall on the area, burning everything.
! NOTE ! Cooldowns are shared, what means that if you use one ability, other two have to reload also.

Scharfschutze - skilled sniper, trained in recon, camouflage and sabotage tactics. Armed with sniper rilfe G43.
-Faster capping (passive) - unit with Scharfschutze caps faster.
-Binoculars (120 sec cooldown) - reveals selected area.
-Eagle Eye! (25 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - Scharfschutze can eliminate targeted trooper (ie. comissar) on very big distance.
-Camouflage - unit with Scharfschutze can move when in camouflage, however they suffer speed penalty.

-Unterfeldwebel - experienced veteran of many years of war. Armed with MP40.
-Experience - all units nearby unit with Unterfeldwebel gain veterancy faster.
-Throw double granates! (20 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - replaces unit's ability to throw granates with ability to throw double granates.
-Fire double Panzerfausts! ( 30 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - squad fires two Panzerfausts.
-Supressive fire! ( 25 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - selected enemy unit moves slower unless they get out of firing range.

Medic - Medic is responsible for healing and supporting. Armed with Luger.
-Morphine ( 50 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - select unit. Until now, for 1 minute this unit won't lose any of their squad members. If their health reaches 0, they will be still fighting. When ability ends, unit will suffer dead and wounded, and even will be destroyed, as they now suffer damage inficted during their indestructibility.
-Medkits ( 25 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - selected unit begins to heal.
-Heroic sacrifice ( 120 sec cooldown) - squad gives all of their medicines to wounded, risking their lives. Selected squad becomes healed instantly and reineforces to full squad size, including other Specialists, however Medic squad must reload all their abilities.

Propaganda Offizier - this officer is responsible for company morale and for that they will fight for Fatherland to the very end! Armed with fearsome MP44.
-Unbreakable! ( passive) - squad with Propaganda Offizier can't be supressed.
-No retreat! ( passive) - squad Propaganda Offizier can't retreat.
-Run, you cowards! ( 30 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - selected enemy squad retreates to HQ.
-Fury! ( passive) - squad with Propaganda Offizier gains elite armour type.

HQ upgrades:
- Upgrade supply lines I: all unit's cooldowns reduced by 30 seconds. Do not affect Offizer.
- Upgrade supply lines II: all unit's cooldowns reduced by another 30 seconds. Do not affect Offizer.

Tier 1

-Pzkpfw I - light tank, armed ith double machineguns, perfect against enemy snipers and for recon duties.

-Anti-infantry support squad ( 1x LMG34, 3x kar98k) - mobile unit armed with machinegun to supress enemy.
Focus fire! ( 25 mun, 120 sec cooldown) - squad causes no supression, however it's accuracy is greatly increased.

LeIG 18 75mm - this small gun is used to fight enemy infantry and defences. Has bigger range than mortar, however it's accuracy is really weak.

Sdkfz 250 - basic transport.

Tier 1 upgrades:
- Upgrade AI support Squad - gives the squad additional LMG34.
- Upgrade LeIG 18 aiming systems - LeIG 18 has now better accuracy on long ranges.

Tier 2

Pakwagen mit 75mm PaK40 - dangerous amalgamation of mobility and firepower - Pakwagen can shoot from camouflage and change position, making it dangerous enemy.
Ambush! - hide Pakwagen to gain surprise effect!

Pzkpfw II - light tank, armed with 20mm autocannon. Perfect unit against enemy infantry.

Doctinal halftrack - after selecting doctrine, one of three halftracks is available to build. There can be only one doctrinal halftrack.

Observation Halftrack - available only to Ambush and Battlefield Control Plan. Special halftrack for recon duties.
Camouflage - hide the halftrack. It can move, however it's speed is decreased.

Munitions Halftrack - available only to Total Annihilation Plan. Filled with tools of destruction reduces cooldowns of
infantry abilities to 5 seconds.

Propaganda Halftrack - available only to Fanatic Resistance Plan. This halftrack spreads propaganda to increase infantry efforts to protect Fatherland. All infantry can now retreat to Propaganda Halftrack.

Tier 3

Pzkpfw III - basic Ostheer tank. Is less powerful than T-34, however skilled crews make it equal to T-34. Armed with 37mm cannon.

Sturmgeschutz III - infantry support vehicle. Armed with short- barreled 75mm gun.

- Upgrade PzIII to ausf L/M version - this upgrade causes that all future PzIII produced will be armed with short-barelled 50mm cannon and equipped with extra armour and armoured skirts. Good to fight enemy infantry and defences.

- Upgrade PzIII to ausf J version - this upgrade causes that all future PzIII will be armed with long-barreled 50mm cannon. Good to fight enemy armour, however still lacking heavy armour.

Player can't upgrade to both versions. He can choose only one version.

- Upgrade Sturmgeschutz III to ausf F version - this upgrade causes that all future StuGIII will be armed with long-barreled 75mm cannon to fight enemy tanks.

-Upgrade Sturmgeschutz III to ausf D version - this upgrade causes that all future StuGIII will be armed with armed with short-barreled 75mm cannon and extra armour. Good to fight enemy infantry and buildings.

Player can't upgrade to both versions. He can choose only one version.

Tier 4
Only doctrine available units can be build here.

called Plans. Every plan is based on tactics used by Germans on the Eastern Front. Ambush and Battlefield Control Plan is based on ambushes made by Germans to fight Soviet armoured columns. Total Annihilation Plan is based on Stalingrad battle. Fanatic Resistance Plan is based mostly on SS-units and Volkssturm tactics.

Ambush and Battlefield Control Plan - lure enemy to hidden steel jaws of ambush. This plan allows you to camouflage and prepare deadly ambushes.

Left: Ambush:

Infantry Camouflage ( 2CP) - Landesschutze and AI support Squads can now camouflage in cover. Moving or shooting will break the camo.

Advanced Camouflage training ( 2CP) - all unit's camouflage regenerates faster. They also cause more damage when shooting from cover.

The Punisher ( 4CP) - call-in Elefant. This superior tank destroyer is heavilly armed and armoured. It can be called only once. Can camouflage to gain surprise effect.

Right: Battlefield Control

Roadblocks (1CP) - allows Landesschutze to build roadblocks.

Topfmine A ( 2CP)- this mine is made of wood and glass, making it undetectable to enemy. Build by Landesschutze ( 50 mun).

Wespe SPG ( 3CP) - allows to build up to three Wespe SPG in T4 factory.

Total Annihilation Plan - this plan focuses mostly on asaults and destroying everything on the path.

Left: Annihilation

Sturmpioneers ( 2CP) - elite unit of Sturmpioneers arrives in Sdkfz 250 halftrack.

Sturmpioneers ( 2x MP40, 3x kar98k)
Elite unit, trained to attack and destroy enemy emplacements.
Throw Satchel Charge ( 50 mun, 120 sec cooldown)
Goliath Assault - Heeres-Pionners were famous of their mass use of sdkfz 303 Goliath. Squad can now deploy Goliath for 70 mun in 5 seconds time. Player don't have any contol over the goliath, who rushes to targeted area and explode. Goliath is tougher and faster than Wehr or PE version. During Goliaths "tournee" squad is immobilised, but can shoot. If squad dies, Goliath explodes. Ability has 240 seconds cooldown.
Fire-up! ( 240 sec cooldown)- breaks supression and increases speed. Unit suffer fatigue after that.

Close combat weapons: 1x Flamenwerfer, 2x MP40 ( 100 mun)
Long range support: 1x kar98 rifle granate launcher, 2x G43 ( 100 mun)

Flammenpanzer III ( 2CP) - call-in fearsome PzIII with flamethrower. Up to two can be fielded at the moment.
Infantry support tank - Flammenpazner is designated to cooperate with infantry. All infantry squads can now reineforce nearby to Flammenpanzer III.

Panthers ( 2CP) - allows to build Panther ausf G be build in Tier4 factory. Panther ausf G is better version of standard CoH Panther.

Right: Preparations

Ammo issuing (2CP) - allows player to issue extra ammo to all infantry. All infantry during the ability ( 60 seconds) can use ammo-costing abilities for free. ( 20 fuel, 120 sec cooldown)

Radio Inteligence (1CP) - selected enemy sector is target of extended efforts in decryption sections. During the ability ( 60 sec), all enemy units in the sector are shown on tactical map and minimap. ( 75 mun, 180 sec cooldown)

Tank Battles ( 3CP) - HQ has granted you priority in tank support. All PzIII and StuGIII are now cheaper, produced faster and take less population.

Fanatic Resistance Plan - this plan focuses on defence so fanatical and so fierce, that enemy often has no chances to push forward. Plan also grants support of morale-striking weapons.

Left: Fanatsim

Volkssturm ( 1CP) - allows player to field Volkssturm militia. Volkssturm is poorly trained and equipped force, however often is useful when comes about ambushing or distracting enemy. There can be up to three Volkssturm squads at the moment.

Volkssturm - ( 5 men squad, armed with everything what comes to mind) formed by civilians combat group. Is cheap (200 mp), takes no pop cap, however their battle effiency is dramatic. They should beat unupgraded conscripts. They also are easy to supress. Nevertheless good player can make use of them.
Volkssturm can be deployed in Volkssturm Zug as call-in ( 2 squads of Volskssturm, 400 mp) or in one squad ( 1 squad of Volkssturm, 200 mp, can infiltrate like Fallschrimjeagers).
Throw granate ( 20 mun, 120 sec cooldown)
Fire panzerfaust! ( 30 mun, 120 sec cooldown) squad fires panzerfaust.

Wall of Steel ( 1CP) - all units gain passive ability. When solider in Volkssturm, Landesschutze or AI support squad kills enemy solider, all squad get +5% greater firing speed for 20 seconds. The bonus is cumulative.

JU87D Strike ( 3CP) - from the sky comes down JU87D with 500kg bomb! The sound of diving Stuka strikes fear into the hearts of enemies, forcing them to hit hit the ground. ( 150 mun, 300 sec cooldown). Supress enemy infantry and drops the bomb.

Right: Fear

Heavy Resistance ( 1CP) - allows Landesschutze to build tank traps, mines and place demolition charges.

Panzer Fist! ( 3CP) - during the ability all tanks move faster. ( 50 mun)

Tigergruppe ( 5CP) - player gets two commander abilites: to "call-in single Tiger I" or to "call-in Tigergruppe", consisting two Tigers I.
If player calls-in single Tiger I, he can't field more than one Tiger I at the moment, and "call-in Tigergruppe" is removed. Single Tiger can be recalled many times.
If player calls-in Tigergruppe, he gets two Tigers I immediately, however he won't be able to call in them anymore, as the "call-in single Tiger I" and "call-in Tigergruppe" are removed. If he lose this two Tigers, he lost them forever.

Veterancy - Ostheer gains veterancy in the same way as US or Soviets. By the blood of our enemies, or by blood of ours!

Defences : ( all being build by Landesschutze)
- barbed wire
- sandbags
- MG42 pit ( like british Mg)
- Roadblocks ( only with Ambush and Battlefield Control Plan)
- Tanktraps ( only with Fanatic Resistance Plan)
- Mines (only with Fanatic Resistance Plan)
- Observation posts

Offline SK8ERatWAR

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Re: Ostheer Concept by Cephalos v 2.0
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2010, 08:30:00 PM »
i like this, it's very creative, but i think those specialists will be OP very quickly if you make them a bit too powerfull..

Offline cephalos

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Re: Ostheer Concept by Cephalos v 2.0
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 08:46:28 PM »
remember that you can have three of them, and they can't repeat. one radiooperator can cause a lot of damage, but it costs lots of munitions.
Specialists have to balance combat weakness of Landesschutze.
BTW, can you describe exactly what causes you think that they can be OP? I'd be really grateful  :)

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Ostheer Concept by Cephalos v 2.0
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2010, 10:43:17 PM »

 I like the concept, but will rapidly be op.
 - First tree : Elephant AND 3x Wespe? That's like putting
 Priests and King Tiger together. Or 105mm howi's with Pershing.
 I know everyone wants to put paratroopers, pershings, callioppe,
 rangers and paratroopers in one single tree, but... ;) Yknow?
 - VolksTruppen : being cheaper AND more powerful than unupgraded
 conscripts AND having partisan-like stealth??!!... Oh, and use up no
 cap whatsoever? ... I'm not even going to comment. I'll just sigh.


 Otherwise, very nice work.

 I like the Tiger I call-in concept.
 It's different! :)
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline cephalos

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Re: Ostheer Concept by Cephalos v 2.0
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2010, 11:33:03 PM »
At the beginnig I had to admit that I didn't hope that somebody will read this ;D
Anyway, this is pointless now, when devs have chosen how the Ostheer should look like... but I like discussing  ::)

Maybe you're right about those Wespe. Maybe three of them it's too many. But it's always the same how people think. And they don't think about CPs, cost and popcap. It could happen that you'd have three Wespe and Elefant, but what's more? A squad or two of Landesschutze? If player wants to field everything he will be eliminated with ease.
Volkssturm can't camo. I dunno where you found that  ???
They are very weak, they can beat conscripts, but only them. Maybe Ingenery too, but facing ie. Strelky could be disasterous for those guys. Thay are cheap becasue they are so terrible when comes to fighting.