[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: BULLSHIT[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I'll eat a tree if this won't work now[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: ok[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: I'll hold you to it<10 minutes later>[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I think I really gotta eat a tree...[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: got a decent one?
Okay! Got it working. Thanks Seems pretty good so far. Couple of issues though:-It won't let me build a bunker with Soviet engineers saying it has to be in a secure location, not matter how close I build it to the base.-Is there anyway to equip/activate/allow engineers (or any unit) of any faction with explosive charges in this mod? It helps a heap at choke points and stops cheesy early-game rushes. If not, are there any tutorials on how to add this ability? (*The Europe At War mod has this with the Wehrmacht faction).