Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: The Motivations  (Read 9777 times)

Offline comrade_daelin

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2010, 02:34:20 AM »
Part of Japan's lack of military innovation involved the lack of extensive combat experience. Some designs like the Zero allowed certain degrees of advantages, but overrall Japanese war inudstry weren't future-proof. Development of newer designs were quite lacking, such as other Japanese fighter/bomber designs. Fighing colonies and easily defeating them weren't much incentive to innovate. A large reason why the Japanese floundered once their fleet at Midway was neutralized in the face of advanced American warships and aircraft.

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2010, 06:01:34 AM »
"GERMANY- Nanizsm, Extreme Left-Wing"
sorry to tell you but Glen Beck is kinda an its right dude

Offline comrade2012

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2010, 04:37:38 PM »
Nazism = National - Socialism. kinda speaks for itself.
you cant really say its left or right wing. The "national" is the right wing of the party, and the "socialism" is the left wing.

Nazis were religious right-wing extremists in a big left-wing style government. The Nazis did that on purpose, in order to get support from both sides.

also, Glenn Beck is not a Republican, he is just Glenn Beck.
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Offline BurroDiablo

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2010, 08:11:55 PM »
Uh, no, Nazi's were definitely EXTREME Right-wing. They were made up of reactionaries, nationalists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, anti-communists, militarists, etc... these are the hallmarks of a right wing government... just look at the US Republican Party (har har)... only real difference between the two is that the Nazi's lacked backing from landowners and big business.
Hitler was not anti-capitalist but he wasn't exactly pro-capitalist either, he was a pragmatist. This meant Nationalising all industry yet letting the landowners and business bosses continue running them, which is wholly un-socialist. Also, Big Government is by no means confined to the left since big Government is not the product of 'leftism', but the product of 'Statism', and Hitler was most definitely a fan of statism.
The 'Socialism' in 'National Socialism' is often misinterpreted to mean anti-capitalism and leftist which is the wrongest kind of wrong... were as Socialism aims/tries to help everybody (except the wealthy of course), National Socialism aims to help only those of the National race (In Nazi Germany that would be ethnic Germans) by means of creating an absolute social hierarchy with Untermensch as slaves that produce all the goods and Aryans at the top reaping the benefits.

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2010, 04:29:53 AM »
You cant just make generalizations like that!! Your not even from America!!

Republicans aren't racist. Republicans didnt set up camps to exterminate Jews and communists.
and the Internment camps were Roosevelt's idea(a Progressive).  :o

The republican party is also pro-Israel. I dont think the Nazis would be helping the very people they lived to destroy. You just want to believe that republicans are racist to feed your agenda.

There are a lot of Republicans in America, and if they were all a bunch of Nazis then we would have a bigger problem on our hands then worrying about national debt.

I'm not a Republican (I'm a Libertarian), and I'm just as pissed off at the Bush administration as everyone else, but I know a lot of Republicans and they are people too, good people. I also know a lot of liberals, and they are good people. I've lived in America my whole life (in Texas the most right wing of all the states) and I have never met a Nazi!

Republicans are NOT Nazis!!! Democrats are NOT Communists!!! And Libertarians are NOT anarchists!! They are Americans!!!!>:(
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Offline Zerstörer

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2010, 11:04:18 AM »
Uh, no, Nazi's were definitely EXTREME Right-wing. They were made up of reactionaries, nationalists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, anti-communists, militarists, etc... these are the hallmarks of a right wing government... just look at the US Republican Party (har har)... only real difference between the two is that the Nazi's lacked backing from landowners and big business.
Hitler was not anti-capitalist but he wasn't exactly pro-capitalist either, he was a pragmatist. This meant Nationalising all industry yet letting the landowners and business bosses continue running them, which is wholly un-socialist. Also, Big Government is by no means confined to the left since big Government is not the product of 'leftism', but the product of 'Statism', and Hitler was most definitely a fan of statism.
The 'Socialism' in 'National Socialism' is often misinterpreted to mean anti-capitalism and leftist which is the wrongest kind of wrong... were as Socialism aims/tries to help everybody (except the wealthy of course), National Socialism aims to help only those of the National race (In Nazi Germany that would be ethnic Germans) by means of creating an absolute social hierarchy with Untermensch as slaves that produce all the goods and Aryans at the top reaping the benefits.

He doesn't need to be an American to see and state the obvious just like you don't have to be russian to see stalin was a communist dictator.
You're not racist and Nazi ONLY if you try and hurt Jews.....
If you think that, then you don't understand what National Socialism is as an ideal and think 'Nazi=Hitler admirer who wants to destroy Jews'.  You have to take National Socialism in the context of each country.

Republicans are NOT Nazis!!! Democrats are NOT Communists!!! And Libertarians are NOT anarchists!! They are Americans!!!!>:(

That's like saying the Chineese aren't communists...just Chineese lol.
But seriously, you should look at what ideals they represent rather than what the 'brand tag' says cause alot of the time cause the 'cover of the book' doesn't always tell the whole story..
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Offline BurroDiablo

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2010, 12:00:09 PM »
I've spoken to a few Neo-Nazis... honestly, the rebuttle they give for any kind of rational argument is 'Lying Jewish Media!' or 'Commie Scum!'  ::)

You cant just make generalizations like that!! Your not even from America!!

Republicans aren't racist. Republicans didnt set up camps to exterminate Jews and communists.
and the Internment camps were Roosevelt's idea(a Progressive).  :o

The republican party is also pro-Israel. I dont think the Nazis would be helping the very people they lived to destroy. You just want to believe that republicans are racist to feed your agenda.

There are a lot of Republicans in America, and if they were all a bunch of Nazis then we would have a bigger problem on our hands then worrying about national debt.

I'm not a Republican (I'm a Libertarian), and I'm just as pissed off at the Bush administration as everyone else, but I know a lot of Republicans and they are people too, good people. I also know a lot of liberals, and they are good people. I've lived in America my whole life (in Texas the most right wing of all the states) and I have never met a Nazi!

Republicans are NOT Nazis!!! Democrats are NOT Communists!!! And Libertarians are NOT anarchists!! They are Americans!!!!>:(

Calm down, I was being Sarcastic, I know the Republicans aren't Nazis, they're not a racist party (I mean, Lincoln set blacks free (kind of)), but I'm sure there are definitely reactionaries, nationalists, homophobes, xenophobes, anti-communists and militarists in the Republican party... coupled with business and land owners. You never know, there could be a smattering of racists in there, they don't need to admit it publicly, hell, there's probably those kinds of people in the Democrat party too.

Anyway, what agenda do you think I have? I don't even know what my agenda is... it's certainly not to slag off the US government, what happens in America doesn't concern me.

Post Merge: May 02, 2010, 04:59:17 AM
Oh, and I don't mean to be pedantic but as a godless pinko I'm not strong enough to let these slide...

Just like you don't have to be russian to see stalin was a communist dictator.
That's like saying the Chineese aren't communists...just Chineese lol.

Stalin and China are not Communist but Authoritarian State Capitalist. Communism is a system were the State does not exist... since China and the Soviet Union have/had governments, they are/were not communist. ;)

Problem with Communism is, in general, the people that follow it usually take it and bastardise it into something completely different.

Anyway, this is SERIOUSLY off topic.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 01:00:26 PM by BurroDiablo »

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2010, 04:43:58 PM »
"You cant just make generalizations like that!! Your not even from America!!"
wouldn't that be a generalization of 307,006,550 people? :P

Offline comrade2012

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2010, 01:48:58 AM »
yea, no kidding. WARNING!! Random alert!!! Random alert!!!
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Offline ford_prefect

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2010, 03:27:53 AM »
I love how people use that when they loose XD okay okay back to topic

Edit:Don't 'bait', he adhered to what Burro said
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 12:03:50 PM by Zerstörer »

Offline Akalonor

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2010, 04:55:00 PM »
Did anyone even say something really on topic at all?  The brazillian fellow that started this wanted us to add/take off of his list of characteristics and personal motivations, yet everyone seems to have mistaken this topic as political Causes of WWII.

To Germany you should add Revenge for ones country
To Britain you should add Defence of the World 

If no one understood by what he meant in saying good Nationalism just look at Patton here (Comrade2012)
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Any typos found may be given to Seeme.

Offline Cranialwizard

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Re: The Motivations
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2010, 10:03:14 PM »
Did anyone even say something really on topic at all?  The brazillian fellow that started this wanted us to add/take off of his list of characteristics and personal motivations, yet everyone seems to have mistaken this topic as political Causes of WWII.

To Germany you should add Revenge for ones country
To Britain you should add Defence of the World 

If no one understood by what he meant in saying good Nationalism just look at Patton here (Comrade2012)

I will add to Italians, NO effort. We gave up shortly after starting.
Infact, Italy ATTEMPTED to declare war with Japan and join the allies but the leader declined. (This was AFTER Mussolini)

Hahaha on Patton. But let's not instigate.
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