I would really like to see a couple of maps based on the Vyazma and Bryanks battles. Both were major factors in the German's push to Moscow. Now I've tried my hand at using world builder but I dont really have a knack for map making. (With the exception of Disciples 2.) Here are a few pictures of the layout for both the Vyazma and Bryanks battles.
First Bryanks:
Post Merge: May 01, 2010, 01:14:59 PM
This one is similar to the one above but shows both pockets.
Ive had a hard time finding any real photos of either battle to give you a clearer view of how the terrain looked but I'll keep looking.
Post Merge: May 01, 2010, 01:19:08 PM
This shows the whole of Operation Typhoon. I apologize for quality of these, my googlefu is week. Clearly both battles were large and I suggest a 3v3 size map at least with fairly large, open and wooded areas with a small fraction of each city taking up a small portion of the map. As for resources, I suggest an emphasis on fuel and large-area man power points to promote fast operations using mobile forces. Hope this helps anyone interested and I would be more than willing to help anyone who wants to map this. All comments or criticisms are welcome.