Why Russian infantry can not take over cannons or mortars. when my gun crew was killed in action, my inflantry she could not plant it acts and my T-34 went in devils because support be devoid?anyway only Ruthenian infantry is regret stately. I to now do not understand how it two pioneers knocked out me team improved shooters. Idea with improvements in armoury my sentence is bad also. I to tanks this understand yet, but the infantry should have the possibility of improving after building. red army should in some way also protect her points. Beyond this why do individuals ignore given recommendations? when I ordered my ISU to destroy hostile tank this this simply he ignored recommendation and he concentrated on group of the infantry which in no way could not him harm. infantry równierz shows to insubordination tendency ignoring the orders of march and standing me in base how nothing would to ever. it is the totality many things to improvement, and particularly the balancing-pole of individuals. Let this for example to be of service how will Puma his podtawowym destroyed with cannon my T -34/85? It does not want in order to Ruthenian they were repacked, but such things should not have place. Mod is nice, but unfortunately only visual.