Hello, I have just played Eastern Fronts, and let me start off by saying what such an EXCELLENT mod this is. It's next to, if not, is Relic- professionalism. Especially how each map was really close to the real thing, and the voice-work is amazing. Keep up the good work!
Now, back to the point of this post. There were a few bugs while playing the game, such as:
-Russian medical truck doesnt lock-down, and doesnt heal units
-Game crashes after about 35-40 minutes of gameplay
-The difficulty seems to be slightly odd, like a normal computer would be too hard, or sometimes even too easy, but its nothing to panic about.
I know theres going to be a patch to fix the other patch, but I'm just letting you guys know.There are probably more, but I invite anyone else with a problem to post it here to save server space lol.
Post Merge: February 02, 2010, 09:24:22 PM
I also cant seem to download th new patch. I type in the code to verify, then it stops working and closes. When I try to do it from the website, the bottom-left part of the screen tells me; "done, but errors on page". Am I the only one woith this problem? Thanx