Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"  (Read 9187 times)

Offline Toorstain

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2010, 03:57:57 PM »
I don't think that they are OP, but just that strelkys look cooler with rifles than SMGs ;D. And why change their main rifleman unit into close combat units when you can make ingenerys become sturmovie and awesome in CQC. :-\ I love the red banner, but I feel that you just don't have LMG AND SMGs. Maybe a choise between thees two. Free, of course.

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2010, 04:29:18 PM »
Don`t upgrade them then ;D

Offline Artillerist

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2010, 04:43:41 PM »

Знамя части представляло собой квадратное полотнище с изображением на лицевой стороне золотых серпа и молота и надписи: "За нашу советскую Родину!", а на оборотной стороне изображение красной звезды с золотой лучистой каймой и названием части.

В Красной Армии в 1941 году была создана Гвардия - почётное наименование отборных, проявивших особый героизм войсковых частей.

Знамя гвардейской части имело на лицевой стороне портрет Ленина, девиз "За нашу советскую Родину" и "СССР".
Размер Знамени: 145 см х 115 см.
Оно украшено золотой бахромой.
Древко имеет длину 250 см и диаметр 4 см.
Знамя снабжалось двумя кистями на витых шнурах (в каждой конкретной части к древку прикрепляли орденские ленты, а к полотнищу знаки орденов).

На обороте размещалась малая красная звезда с серпом и молотом в середине, название и номер части и девиз (например, "Смерть немецким оккупантам!").

Banner is a square of cloth with the image on the front side of the gold hammer and sickle and inscription: "For Our Soviet Motherland!", and on the reverse side of the image of a red star with a gold radiant border and the title part.

In the Red Army in 1941, was created Guards -- honorary title selected, with special heroism troops.

Banner Guards unit was on the obverse portrait Lenin's motto "For Our Soviet Motherland" and "USSR". Banner

Size: 145 cm x 115 cm. It is decorated with gold fringe.

Wooden flagstuff has a length of 250 cm and a diameter of 4 cm.

Banner supplied with two tassels on the twisted cords (each specific part of the shaft attached to the medal ribbons, and to the flag signs of orders).

On the back was placed a small red star with sickle and
hammer in the middle, the name and part number and the slogan (eg, "Death to the German invaders!").
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 06:33:00 AM by Artillerist »
94th Guards Infantry Division, 100th Separated Anti-Tank Artillery Divizion.

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2010, 11:24:47 PM »

I would prefer the flag moved to the major, maybe with an upgrade that would allow them to be upgraded with better weaponry aswell as some sort of bonus, like a reduction in ability timers or let them throw a grenade, then replace the red banner strelky upgrade with this and have strelky get some weaponry with the upgrade /or by default.

I would name the upgrade to be something like "Guards status title" or some guards medal name  (Heroes of our Soviet Motherland???) which then means you get the guards flag and priorities in weaponry and supplies.


Offline Artillerist

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2010, 12:03:35 AM »
Also, I would suggest to exchange two abilityes:

-"Za Rodinu!" - attack rush of Command Squad
-"Red Banner rush"  of Strelki.

Logically, there must be only 1 Red Banner per player, wich supposed to be a Banner of Company. And it is more really and logically to give that "man with banner" to Command squad (wich supposed to be "curfew platoon" - "Banner Guard Platoon").

And with Strelki - instead of "man with banner" after upgrade, Officer could be added, with ability "Za Rodinu" - "attack rush".

It need just exchange those two abilityes.

Strelky (upgraded) will have their own officer (may be Warrant officer - "Veteran of front"), and ability "Attack rush"

Major with his Command Squad will have Red Banner of Company at the begin (and actual task to save it and take care of it :) ), and ability "Red Banner rush".

Would be again - more logical.
94th Guards Infantry Division, 100th Separated Anti-Tank Artillery Divizion.

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2010, 12:12:09 PM »
I was born in a communist country and all the movies I see all soldiers respect more then any thing will be s red banner . If the banner is fallen. Some one else takes his place. So cammabder squard should have a red banner

Offline Toorstain

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Re: Red Banner Strelky a "little too much"
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2010, 12:06:37 AM »
Well it looks like they fixed the strelkys (WOOHOO! ;D). I guess you moderators can lock this topic or something and the banner-guys can start their own topic.