Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Minor annoyance with trenches?  (Read 1961 times)

Offline Dline2

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Minor annoyance with trenches?
« on: January 22, 2010, 05:51:06 PM »
I noticed that when putting down slit trenches , there is no way to determine a froont to them. Reason is I set one up in my last game, in front of my base and put a squad of conscripts inside. They were facing my base when I scrolled in. I know they were expendable, but are they that dumb? Or do they fire from both sides of the trench. That was always an annoyance in OF that an entrenched squad could get killed from behind.
Can you put a direction arrow or something or is it not necessary because the AI, I know is smarter and can now fire front and rear?
Thx--great mod by the way!!

Offline CerealKiller

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Re: Minor annoyance with trenches?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 07:11:19 PM »
They can turn around, just like in houses.