Hello Devs & Community,
I just wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. I was very excited to see this mod so I could add it to my collection. Company of Heroes has been my favorite game for many years. I am 50 years old and have to say my daughter loves the game too.
Even though I grew up during the Vietnam War, as it was winding down actually, the effects of WWII and Korea were still being felt in America especially through Movies and books. Also it was a time of great upheaval and change culturally in America & the world. Blues, Rock & Roll, Peace & Love, riots. Martin Luther King, just to mention a few, I mean things were crazy chaotic.
The reason I mention all that is because this type of game reminds me of the things men do to one another. It is humbling.
Enough of that. Man, once I get a thought going.........it must be an age thing.
The game is great fun, challenging both Strategically & Tactically and I look forward to seeing you on the Battlefield.
Oldwolf out.
(squibjb66 on Steam)