Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Partisans  (Read 3318 times)

Offline Araknid

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« on: May 10, 2014, 06:03:09 AM »
Would be nice if the partisans could plant mines (I think I remember them being able to do this, though I may be incorrect), or if possible be able to set demolition charges anywhere. By anywhere, I mean that currently it is limited to only being able to be placed on buildings, but it would be nice to use them as roadside bombs or ambush weapons if mines would be considered OP.

Offline Grand Duke

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Re: Partisans
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2014, 07:45:43 AM »
I second this suggestion. I think the more use for such a underused and fragile (but nonetheless interesting to use) unit, the better. At the moment, their demo charges are only (arguably) used to blow up WE's bunkers, OH's Concrete emplacement and - very rarely - to booby trap civilian buildings. (on a side note, for some reason, the Partisans cannot place a charge on the OH's Panzernests. Well, considering this building is overall bugged, that's not much of a surprise, and probably subject to fixing) That's not much use for a costly ability that also includes uncloacking the fragile squad that Partisans are. British Commandos-style demo charges would allow the Partisans to set up traps on the roads and in chokepoints (which is what they did in RL) while also can serve as a building demolition device. Not entirely sure about mines, though. While I'm always in favour of more tactical abilities, I don't know how would it be in terms of balance. Still, fairly sure it all can be tweaked and balanced to the right condition.

Offline Araknid

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Re: Partisans
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2014, 12:39:23 PM »
Not adding mines I can agree with, but it was just awkward for me when I unlocked them, decided to try them, and noticed that you could only plant the explosives on buildings, it just really limited the usage of them, though I still managed to cap half the map behind enemy lines (which was hella fun).

Something that could maybe be done, is let them have some sort of explosives to plant on roads, except weaker than the main ones but possibly with an added chance to destory an enemy vehicles tracks or something like that.

It's just that right now, they just feel like another infantry squad with the ability to spawn on any building, and thats it.