Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Bugs & Tech Support / [Lan] non steam (SOLVED)
« Last post by hazote on June 15, 2018, 12:32:15 AM »
I would like to play on Lan with friends.
I have the 2.602 version of coh tov, downloaded 2.30 full EF +
Eastern Front Compatibility Patch for CoH 2.602.

Ok all works fine.

I take my install folder and copy to the pc of my friend (as I made for classic COH),
host a game, he see my game but can't join it because "version of game is not the same"

I have reinstalled non steam version to play on Lan, and this don't work .
any idea ?


edit: ok so , I deletedfolder under c:/users/...Mygames/
launched coh, enter same key on 3 pc (to get the same game : COH, COH OP, COH TOV)
and copy paste reliccoh.offline.exe to reliccoh.exe

is there a way to launch EF mod without launcher ?  -mod eastern_front  in shorcut launch classic game
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Cannot choose Brits
« Last post by Walentin 'Walki' L. on June 04, 2018, 03:10:44 PM »
I simply cannot choose brits in game options. I have no problem with using another nations.

Yes, they are currently disabled because they are being reworked.
Bugs & Tech Support / Cannot choose Brits
« Last post by CZjiralbc on June 03, 2018, 10:05:26 AM »
I simply cannot choose brits in game options. I have no problem with using another nations.
Off Topic / Re: Modding. New faction.
« Last post by mackerbryanee13 on May 18, 2018, 02:08:05 AM »
Hi. I too am making a unique German faction as well as a Soviet faction. But I’m still working on the concept.
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Last post by Walentin 'Walki' L. on May 14, 2018, 09:00:40 AM »
,,Could not connect to the Eastern Front Server. Turning off auto update. You can reenable this settings later. Please restart your Eastern Front Launcher."

You are using an old version of Eastern Front. Please upgrade to the Steam version.
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [2.300] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Last post by stevandjor1 on May 13, 2018, 11:20:44 PM »
,,Could not connect to the Eastern Front Server. Turning off auto update. You can reenable this settings later. Please restart your Eastern Front Launcher."
Balance Discussion / SU-100
« Last post by Crecer13 on May 09, 2018, 10:18:38 PM »
SU-100 it is almost a complete analog of JagdPanter. They have similar guns, similar armor. But in the game, the SU-100 is a little better than the SU-85. Su-100 needs three shots to destroy a half-track mortar. I think the SU-100 should be like a JagdPanter - good armor, good damage one on the battlefield.
Off Topic / Modding. New faction.
« Last post by Matthew on May 05, 2018, 07:04:56 PM »
Здравствуйте. Я занимаюсь моддингом по Company of Heroes, делаю новую фракцию. Пожалуйста, подскажите, что нужно минимальное сделать, чтобы новая фракция запустилась без ошибки.

Hi. I'm modding for Company of Heroes, making a new faction. Please, prompt that it is necessary to make the minimum that the new fraction started without error. [Yandex translator]
Eastern Front / grandfather fought in world war 2
« Last post by mackerbryanee13 on May 03, 2018, 10:13:19 PM »
I know this question is on the left field but.

Is there any German EF developer or member here whose grandfather fought in world war 2.?

My distant grandfather is a USAFFE soldier before the japanese invasion of my country the Philippines
He was participated in the infamous Bataan Death March. But as a filipino. He was able to escape along with his few comrades and join the Guerillas.

And my grandma told me she saw how Japs eat rations lol. She said she saw them eat sashimi. 🍣 and her house btw is used as a forward barracks producing machine gun teams, IJA regulars, Samurai officers ,and no AT guns of course.

My grandma saw the passing P-47s (hundreds of them)  over our village as they go to the north and strafe the hell out of those Japs. General yamashitas tiger division. It is one of the elite japanese forces in the pacific.

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