« on: January 08, 2012, 03:46:48 PM »
I've been laddering in Starcraft II for awhile. I use to play CoH and I recently redownloaded and found your mod. I wanted to help beta test, but I never really put the time into CoH that I did with Starcraft II. I'm good enough that I often coach in SCII and understand fundamentals of RTS games well. I'm looking for some people to teach me a bit about Eastern Front. It'd be a fun game to play.
Only read this if you're interested in a fully backstory on why I'm here:
I've been playing Starcraft II since a little while after it's release and was laddering for sometime. Before that I use to comp stomp a whole lot in Company of Heroes, or mess around in 1v1s with friends, but I only ever had very short forays into only play, and only ever in 2v2 situations. I mentioned SCII because in playing that game I've put a seriously concerted effort forward to ladder and learn how to play the game well. I got good enough that I've coached several people out of the lower leagues and done bit of mentoring.
Recently I've been looking back on my time with company of heroes. As fun as SCII is, to get anywhere your macro play must be perfect and you must learn to micro individual units with precision. I missed the days of capturing and holding points, huge artillery explosions, tank warfare, and an easier to micro manage army.