Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - LuckyHammer777

Pages: [1]
Eastern Front Replays / [] 1v1 - Assault of Kholm
« on: January 01, 2012, 02:30:46 AM »
Hello !

Here i give you a replay of a special game, maybe stupid, i don't know. My mate (dewe) had to attack the city and destroy the christmas tree in my base (at the right of the map in my base) and i had (Skirmishs) to make defenses and hold it. I'm wasn't allowed to build more that one art. The preparation is boring and the show only starts at 1:01:00, so i have to wait 10 minutes to see something ...

There is no skill here, only fun. So if u watch this u will not see pros.

Here is the replay :

Happy new year.

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