Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Andreas

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General Discussion / Re: Will the Sturmtiger be the new monster?
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:14:43 PM »
I think i can see what andreas is trying to say (i may be wrong) but this is a reward unit for an assault gun/self propelled artillery unit its not meant to be a tank killer and im not sure why you would want yet another dedicated heavy tank killer when you have the elephant and others to fill that role.

I am just saying that it doesn't make sense to include it, if it is going to be tuned Down to the level of the KV-2 or AVRE. Then it would make much more sense to include just the Brummbär.

It would be like including a Railway gun,l and tune it down to a hummel. I know it's not entirely realistic, but it just doesn't make sense..
It would be like including a Tiger/King tiger and tune it down to a Panzer IV...
 If they included the IS-2 with the stats of a T34 - that would just be silly.

You get the point. Either it will be very expensive, and be a monster. Or else it will just be a joke.

General Discussion / Re: Russian Voices
« on: March 17, 2013, 09:16:11 PM »
The voice are from the russian version of vCoH, just like there was a german one with german voices.

If you lsiten carefully, they talk about shermans and halftracks.

General Discussion / Re: Will the Sturmtiger be the new monster?
« on: March 17, 2013, 07:34:11 PM »
Please keep in mind that CoH is a computer game and we have to balance it. So historical data of the weapon are fine and interesting but not important for CoH.
And keep also in mind that the Sturmtiger is a reward unit. When it is too strong we can delete it.

I know. But if it is going to be tuned Down that much, then just keep it to the reward unit -  the "Brummbär".

If they were going to add something similar to a sherman, they wouldn't include a tiger that is tuned Down to a PIV. Then it would be better just to include a PIV from the start (as an example)

Best regards

General Discussion / Re: Will the Sturmtiger be the new monster?
« on: March 17, 2013, 09:29:45 AM »
It will probably be quite comparable to the KV-2, except with no turret but (maybe) better armor and health.

Well.. i hope not.

If it www tuner down that much, they could've just kravet it out and include the Brummbär. It would've be like giving the Tiger the stats of a T34.

The Sturmtigers rocker had an explosive payload 14 times buffer than the largest round of the KV2. And the 88mm is NOT 14 times nettere than the T34s 76mm.

So if there is any reason to include the sturmtiger, instead of the brummbär, it will have to be more than the KV2 - not to be a joke.

General Discussion / Re: Will the Sturmtiger be the new monster?
« on: March 16, 2013, 06:07:22 PM »
At the moment the Sturmtiger is an assault gun. But u need munition to fire a single rocket grenade.
Effective against infantry and light vehicles.

Does that mean that it doesnt penetrate easily?

Or little damage done when hitting?

Or that it is easy to kite? (like if the AVRE was for killing tanks.. it wouldn't be too effective b/c singleshot)

General Discussion / Re: Will the Sturmtiger be the new monster?
« on: March 16, 2013, 05:33:41 PM »
The tanks you listed are tanks, and all heavy tanks to be precise. The strumtiger is an artillery piece, they both have diffrent roles and thus you cannot compare the two.

The sturmtiger is not exactly an artillery piece. It is a heavy assualt howitzer/infantry support tank, just like the StuH. But will it be added as a "tank" or as a "artillery piece"?

If it end up as a assualt vechile, it will end up with all the heavytanks. Just like the StuH is a tank in CoH.

For more, read here;

General Discussion / Will the Sturmtiger be the new monster?
« on: March 16, 2013, 03:36:40 PM »
 So it seems like you wan't to include the Sturmtiger anyway  :)

 Do you think it will be the new "most powerfull" tank on the battlfield?

 Currently we have these "super tanks":

King tiger

Then there is some "better than normal tanks":

Tiger I
PE panther (it is a BEAST at vet 3 defensive, and only at 500 MP!)

But.. I think that the new sturmtiger will be the one to shine above the rest! Nearly as much armor as the King Tiger and 380MM rocket firing gun. I don't know how this will be represented in game.. But it sounds like a real thread to the Allied warmachine :-)

 I think it will be the one to rule the battlefield!

Off Topic / Re: Company of Heroes 2
« on: June 20, 2012, 03:29:45 PM »
Yes but that's not our work so we won't do it I guess.

Of course, its a lot of work. But i guess someone would do it.

Off Topic / Re: Company of Heroes 2
« on: June 20, 2012, 12:27:18 PM »
*If* it is possible to import the EF work, wouldn't it then be possible to import the british, americans wehrmacht and panzer elite?

Off Topic / Re: The best damn ww2 movie ever?
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:00:33 PM »
It is a mini tv-series, but it has the quality of a movie.

Off Topic / Re: The best damn ww2 movie ever?
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:20:13 PM »
Best WW 2 movie?

Band of Brothers.

Ostheer Suggestions / More basebuildings
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:52:10 AM »
Will it be possible to play ostheer and then create two of the same buildings and activate the different "modes". So i will be able to create all units of one tier?

Watch snipers taking out 2 Pgrens in a halfrtrack per shot. Youll see the snipers trollin'!

Ostheer Suggestions / Re: Unit suggestion thread:
« on: March 15, 2012, 06:46:39 PM »
These vehicles were not used in excess during the war and IIRC they probably didn't even make it out of prototype stages. Case closed.

The Flettner Fl 282 wasn't just a prototype - but only 24 were built before the factories were destroyed. So i think that argument is kind og invalid.

Best regards

Red Army Suggestions / Re: Unit - Reward suggestions thread:
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:50:24 PM »
IDK FG42 are devastating. Its like buying MP44s only better :P. And IMO you should get Off., Off., Def.

No. Defensive vet have bigger bonus on lvl 1. For this combo go Def. Off. Off. instead - other IS silly...!

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