Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - aBandit

Pages: [1]
Balance Discussion / Re: Russian tanks
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:52:49 AM »

i should emphasize the word "marginally"...

1st i would like to point to the russian reserves upgrade- which the wehr doesn't have, the 20 manpower cost is negated (the upkeep of units are reduced).

2nd in light of the extra 25 fuel cost, if you have in some way lost control of 2/3 of the map, the russians will obtain more fuel obviously. so if the russians starts pumping IS-2's out the wehr is almost certainly beaten.

unless someone can tell me how to counter this overwhelming force?

Balance Discussion / Re: Russian tanks
« on: October 04, 2011, 11:17:26 PM »

not too be bold, i checked and the IS-2 is almost just the same speed as a panther in a straight line, the panther only turns faster, which in my opinion negates the beneficiary... so if you have 3 panthers against 3 IS-2's you have to be only heck of a player to micro manage all those panthers to kill the IS-2's.

Balance Discussion / Re: Russian tanks
« on: October 04, 2011, 04:57:11 PM »
i mean its unrealistically hard to counter the IS-2's when i play as Wehr, so yea i don't like IS-2...

Post Merge: October 04, 2011, 05:26:57 PM
i think the main problem is that the Russian's can build IS-2's and the Wehr can't build tigers, because they are supposed to be of equal strength right?

So panthers has to be the counter-balance tank to the IS-2's, which is unfair....

Balance Discussion / Russian tanks
« on: October 04, 2011, 04:45:35 PM »
Russians are the faction i mostly play with... so for me i'm a russian fanboy!

but i realized as i play against people who are experienced and obviously know how to use tanks (when to attack and when to withdraw), i think the IS-2 and IS-3 combo are too strong! when you take BT doctrine. (still worse combined with the SU-76)

because i hate the IS-2 i never use them, i prefer up-gunned T-34's.
(the IS-2 just feel and seem out of proportion)

IS-2 can tackle a tiger and you can build them.... and as Wehr, you can't! so if you have 2 or 3 IS-2's what can stop you....

sorry if its too long!

Balance Discussion / Re: [1.510] Sublime Balance Concerns
« on: September 29, 2011, 06:46:21 AM »
i know what you mean, i study Law and its basically hours on end sitting in a chair developing back spasms...

we'll have that rematch!

Balance Discussion / Re: [1.510] Sublime Balance Concerns
« on: September 29, 2011, 06:11:49 AM »
Yea, we played... i think your exams are making you suffer of short term memory :) in-game name: aBandit, you hosted a map and i suggested you to change it to moscow, which you did. It was like 3 or 4 days ago.

your claims that conscripts over power pe in 1v1 is not completely valid (its what i think), all you have to do is hold them(conscripts) in check for a while until you get MHT. For we all know what happens when a mortar round explodes next to them = pink mist

Balance Discussion / Re: [1.510] Sublime Balance Concerns
« on: September 28, 2011, 11:50:34 AM »
Yauz, as i remembered corretly we played against each other on moscow map.

as to your remarks regarding RU V PE, as i remember in game we were almost even in the beginning, and then jou brought out your mortar truck. your effective use of the damn thing started to push me back and i couldn't capture any territory.

i think as the the game stands it is totally fair... the reasoning:

1. building cost for mortar truck is 20 fuel (i think since not big on pe)
2. mortar truck cost is 40 fuel.
thus 60 fuel total

3. i personally don't use tank hunter- which to make playable cost 35 fuel. and obviously effective use with mortar truck with a few pe squads will destroy any attempt to destroy the mortar truck. (with its speed it can just charge back to its base)

4. for me the most effective way to make the mortar truck obsolete is to build T70's. which cost 145 fuel just to build the first one!
(55 fuel tank hall + 55 fuel light tank upgrade + 35 fuel for the actual tank)

so for me if the pe player can get 2 mortar truck's on early to choke all the fuel points the came is basically over....

General Discussion / Rank
« on: September 26, 2011, 06:09:36 PM »
Firstly, i have to say i love the EF mod. All i seem to play.

My question is... why is there no rank incorporated into the russian faction? As to all the rest.

I just stay at rank 1... and to be honest its the only faction i have time to really get good at. Thus i like to get better and see some results for it by upping my rank.


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