Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - cl3v3r

Pages: [1]
Red Army Suggestions / Re: I don't like Soviet Army...
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:33:14 PM »
Yes but I repeat, it is not possible that EXPERT CPU loses vs EASY CPU.
If you do a Skirmish vs Russian, is too easy to win, they do a lot of infantry and they lose...

Red Army Suggestions / Re: I don't like Soviet Army...
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:03:29 PM »
Saying that this post is a troll, isn't good for listen players suggestions.
I'm making a general suggestion of Soviet Army.
Yeah, you are right, there are light vehicles, and heavy vehicles (I wronged in this suggestion).
But can you remove the Upgrade for take the vehicles?
At least remove the item for take Light Vehicles.
And also for taking mortars, and Antitanks.
But the real problem is the Soviet Cpu.
It sucks.
If you want I send you videos, of Expert Soviet Cpu losing vs Easy - Normal Wermacht Cpu.

Red Army Suggestions / Re: I don't like Soviet Army...
« on: August 22, 2011, 02:45:00 PM »
In an effort to be civil, I won't answer what I think of your suggestions...

If you have issues with the AI, post in the AI thread. Your suggestions on Soviet design are... rejected...

You should know that other armies have only 3-4 tanks. So why put 50 tanks in the Tank Depot?
The better is do tanks categories and put them in the 3 doctrines...
The Urban war can have light tanks, the Armored assault can have heavy tanks like KV-2, Is2. ecc...

Red Army Suggestions / I don't like Soviet Army...
« on: August 22, 2011, 12:45:58 PM »
I played this game, at start it looked good, but then playing it got very frustrating. Soviet got a lot of unuseful infantry units, and they always got killed easily by germans. And if you want to take mortars and antitanks, you must upgrade spending fuel and manpower. It is not fair, and the engeers are very slow to make MG nests...
And there are a lot of tanks, as the other armies have only 3-4 tanks.
I think is better removing some tipes of tanks, or putting some tanks in Propaganda doctrine, some in Armored Assualt, and some in Urban War doctrine.
I looked that in short-medium time games, soviets can't win, but in long times they can win (with the powerful tanks).
But the main problem is the Soviet CPU.
Soviet CPU isn't good and the units lots of times stuck in the bridges.
And I also tried playing a 3vs3, with 3 EXPERT SOVIET CPUS, and 3 GERMAN EASY CPUS, and the Germans won.
What is your opinion about my suggestions?  :)

Suggestions / Russian CPU is very easy?
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:43:12 PM »
I noticed playing single player skirmish that Russian CPU is very easy. And playing a German Normal CPU vs a Russian Normal CPU, German easily wins. Is it a problem of the IA?
Thanks, i'm new in the forum, and i'd like to donate, but I can't  :-[.

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