Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - JSteger

Pages: [1]
Balance Discussion / Re: Feedback
« on: January 22, 2010, 01:18:25 AM »
Orrr you could just make it do the same amount of damage as American and Wehrmacht mortars.  ;D
Maybe give them a smoke or incendiary ability.

Balance Discussion / Feedback
« on: January 21, 2010, 09:57:37 PM »
First off i would like to say congratulations on releasing your mod.
I have been really looked forward to it for months.
However after my first couple of games im having some concerns.

The Russian mortars are way to strong. All factions in ww2 had heavy mortar rounds and no other faction in the game has them so i cant find any reason why they would be so strong.
You can get Katuscha Rockets way to early on in the game.
The artillery ability needs a much longer cool down.
As for Tank penetration.
The T-90 is very over powered in frontal armor.
I brought it down to 10% in 3 hits from a pak40.
It then flanked my pak so i hit it 2 times with a panzerschreck to the frontal armor and 1 more hit to the front with the pak.
This is way to much for just one very light tank.
A total of 4 Pak hits and 2 schreck hits were needed.
Same goes for the T34.

This may look like a lot but i just wanted to give some of my oppinions on balancing the game.

Never the less awesome mod guys.
Especially the maps. They look great.

Suggestions / Realism or Balance??
« on: April 28, 2009, 10:16:51 PM »
I have spent several years playing games based on realism or at least trying to find one that does.
When i saw this mod i was happy to see the direction it was leaning towards.
I wanted to know if this mod would be more balanced (Panther = T34) or more realistic(Panther > T34)

As much as i respect all the soldiers that fought in world war 2. I must say that an important reason for the Allied victory, particularly the Russians was the strength in numbers. I believe that German Armor and Infantry were superior to there allied counter parts.

However, im not saying that the Russian units should suck but that they should rely more on numbers and of course be cheaper.

For example
1 Tiger = 3-5 T34s
1 Panther = 2-3 T34s
1 Panzer IV = 1-2 T34s

These numbers might seem a bit drastic but there actually not that accurate.
This may seem like a step too far but that was the reality of the Situation during WW2.
In reality a Tiger would be able to take out about 5-10 T34s.

Also another question i had was if this mod was rebuilding the damage settings of the whole game, or if it was just adding a new nation.

Again, Great Mod guys.

Dev / Application - Web Dev/Video
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:30:50 PM »
Name: Jürgen Steger
Age: 18
Contact info: bushidolord on steam
    xfire: JSteger
What you think you can contribute to our mod: I have a lot of experience in Web Design and Video. I also am very intrigued about the History of WW2.
How active you think you can be: As needed.
Previous work: I have been the web developer for about 3 communities. I have also made a lot of videos in game and out.
Examples of your work:
My youtube channel has all the videos i have created.

Other notes: I didnt know about the applications so i sent one if the contact form before this.  :-\
I also have a lot of experience in Graphic design.

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