Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Nominrath

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: A.I. Too Hard for Me
« on: May 02, 2011, 08:15:34 AM »

Question: Do you use shortcut keys? Do you understand the manpower system (like what affects it)? Do you know what counters are? Do you know what spamming is? Have you tried practicing one on one with an easy AI on a map like beach assault? Are you new to COH? Have you done the tutorial? Do you tech late? Do you turtle or camp? Have you ever tried to rush?

Sorry, I'm not angry, I'm trying to find out what the issue really is. I had a friend that said he sucked so I understand how bad it makes people feel.

No problem. Here ya' go: 1.) No, I don't use the shortcut, keys. I know they provide quicker response when you learn them, but I just never learned them. It would help if I did... I learned this in the days of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. 2.) What affects the Manpower system? I thought it was more points = faster/larger manpoint quantities per minute (or fuel/munitions). 3.) I do know what spamming is and I hate it. It's why I don't play online. Nothing like having a few dozen engineers/pioneers shoved up one's ass immediately to keep the guy in his base. Hate having it done to me, so I don't do it to others. (a.k.a. Zerg Rushing) For me, that's just not fun. 4.) Yeah, I do ok against the Easy A.I. until the unending armor brigade of StuGs and Pumas rolls in and destroys everything as fast as I can build. 5.) Not new. Been playing for a while now. In fact, against 'vanilla' CoH A.I. I can hold my own against a Normal and if I feel spry and get lucky a Hard. 6.) I have done the tutorial. 7.) I tech whatever I feel I might need ASAP and get to others later in the game. 8.) I do not turtle or camp (except on maps where bottlenecks can be set up). 9.) I don't necessarily 'rush', but I am fairly aggressive. (I don't rush because when I play, I like the game to last longer than 10 minutes.)

General Discussion / Re: A.I. Too Hard for Me
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:11:31 AM »
Play with friendly AI on harder levels of difficulty against easy enemies.

That's what I do! LoL Problem is: we both suck! My group and I have just never been 'hardcore' players. We just can't (or I guess DON'T would be more accurate) play at the quick pace that has been set by the current generation of RTS players and A.I.

Appreciate the suggestion, though! :D

General Discussion / Re: A.I. Too Hard for Me
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:50:43 PM »
Why don't you play online? It's much more fun and varied.

Because online players play like the new A.I., employing the aforementioned Zerg Rush tactics. That's not fun for me and that was one of the reasons I enjoyed CoH. I could play at my own pace and the A.I.'s ladder of difficulty had all the rungs I needed: V. Easy was V. Easy, Easy was Easy, Normal was a challenge, etc. In EFmod it doesn't feel like that.

Anyway, thanks for the replies, peeps. I appreciate you taking the time and reading this. If anyone comes across a way to do what I want, then feel free to PM me.

General Discussion / A.I. Too Hard for Me
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:04:21 AM »
I love what has been done with the Eastern Front mod. I love the additions, the artwork, the maps, the time put into it... everything. Well, almost everything. :)

I'm a 'casual' player, which means that, yes, I'm not very good in the first place and I'm not really looking to improve my skills all that much. I like to sit back enjoy a game, whether I'm winning or losing. However, I cannot seem to defeat the new A.I. of Eastern Front and it's so aggressive that I can't enjoy the game like I did in vCoH. It's like Starcraft and Zerg Rushing all over again. :-[ I'd like to keep the additions of the EFmod, but also just keep the standard vCoH A.I., is there a way to do that? (There probably isn't, but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?)

Thanks peeps. (Let the bashing begin!!!  ;) )

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