Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - vonklaus

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Discussion / Re: Does anyone play this anymore?
« on: August 19, 2015, 02:49:38 AM »
Same as my profile name on here. Vonklaus.

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone play this anymore?
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:03:59 AM »
If anyone else still plays this mod PVP (doesnt seem like it online is deader than dead)? I love this mod but there is no one to play against.

General Discussion / Automatch
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:53:30 AM »
I remember automatch working in past, I also remember being able to play USA vs USSR in 1 on 1 automatch. Any plans on bringing this back?

General Discussion / Does anyone play this anymore?
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:15:58 AM »
There are 0 players online in the last 4-5 days since I restarted playing this. Its a shame because plenty of people still play coh1.

General Discussion / Any way around not having a CD
« on: August 07, 2015, 03:05:41 PM »
On a similar subject everytime I load EF it asks for a CD which I unfortunately lost. Is there anyway around this? I have been playing Steam version of COH for past couple of months getting back into the game and would love to play EF again. I changed the path in my EF to the steam version but that did nothing it still asks for cd. Any help would be much appreciated.

Announcements / Re: THQ will develop a new Company of Heroes game
« on: July 27, 2012, 11:34:09 PM »
By the looks of the picture released on Facebook today I assume the Russian liberation
 army will be in the game to some extent check out patch on dead soldiers arm looks
exactly like RLA patch ive seen in pictures plus its clear of snow so u can see it.
Might be just something for campaign but still interesting.

Flgator and I will be on @ 8 pm est till about 1 am est.

Suggestions / Re: Fortress mode
« on: October 14, 2011, 08:43:16 PM »
I thought a reverse fortress mode would be cool on Kursk, you'd have a limit amount of resources to build up vehicles to go through 3 lines of defense.

General Discussion / Re: Doctrines
« on: October 03, 2011, 02:35:55 PM »
I just rewatch that game, named it beatfoxybuthebeatme , the kv2 is no uneffective it just the cost, also flgator moved up his at gun at worst time and u happen to attack right then so it was rape fest. I normally go str8 for pnz4 but for some reason went with mortar halftrack which I think only help me marginally. That was a game where if it was not vp I think your team would have won because you whooped my shit and my allies were just beating the other 2 slightly.

I still feel the kv2 is overpriced. Sure on a narrow maps where the turret is mostly pointing foward it can be useful. If the tank ai knew to traverse instead of moving its turret in most instances it could target faster. The su122 fire same shell (i think), cost 150 less, is faster mover, fires faster and doesn't have super slow turret. By itself it might be more vunerable but the extra 150 means might mean reinforcing my infantry to fight with the su122.

I agree about munitions thing and street fighting. I normally only have enough munitions to use that stuff once or twice then I am going to be out for most of the remainder of game.

General Discussion / Re: Doctrines
« on: September 30, 2011, 09:26:54 PM »
su76 sucks, i might have lost 1 tank to one since it was introduced to game. I always kill these things with Stugs. They have less firepower than a marder and about the same armor for an overpriced cost. If they cost 500 I might use 1 every once and awhile.

kv2 sucks too its turret turns so slow, id much rather have su122 that can traverse its whole body about 10x faster than the kv2 turret. I can live with it being slow but that turret will kill u if it turns around the has to retarget something infront of it.

the support gun that u get with prop is awesome against comps and newbs but against good player you might kill 1 infantry squad before they realize its there and then take it out with arty or blitz.

So atleast all commanders have a almost totally worthless unit.

I prefer Prop. You can use Naval if you are skipping str8 for tanks. Katushyas are cheap, and redtide is awesome for killing 1 man squads without having to pay to reinforce. God of war is the best artillery support in game. In most circumstances its better to have a big spread on arty because most good players dont stand still and let themselves get pummeled. Atleast god of war can get lucky and hit units in full sector.

I play alot of Urban also Su122 is nasty, partisans rock, I never use flamers as soviets to much work to get to and I always get flamers killed so quickly. Sniper ace can break a stalemate with its infiltrating ability and arty strike.

Breakthrough might be most balanced you get tons of call ins and a munition ability that is decent, the airstrike is more of a deterent because no good player will sit in that sector and let themselves be bombed. Su152 is a great unit but it cant be used by itself at all it fire to slow for that. Is3 is awesome but I prefer su152 for recallins.

Mapping / Re: Balancing and Gameplay questionnaire
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:45:39 PM »
Something like that is already made like on Point du Hock. One side starts nearer to the middle than the other side. But directly in the middle is not such good idea

thats not what I meant. I mean directly in center with enough space inbetween mortars cant hit bases. The twist would be that they would be closer to opponets side the there own. It would make it so there is really no front line and the fighting is almost everywhere.

Mapping / Re: Balancing and Gameplay questionnaire
« on: September 30, 2011, 03:58:56 PM »
why not try a 3v3 that has unusual starting positions, such as maybe two in middle and rest on edges, or four in the middle 1 on side. Something different that the usual starting positions to create a unique gameplay experience based on the strategy involved.

PE tier 10 would involve 'die glocke' and allows you to travel back in time to the start of the match

General Discussion / Re: Possibility of returning
« on: September 21, 2011, 10:45:18 PM »
the jagdtiger was alot of fun but i do prefer the tiger ace. I wish some place could be found for it. Variety is the spice of life.

Suggestions / sorry
« on: September 14, 2011, 05:41:04 PM »
Sorry to offend anyone

Im done

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