« on: February 01, 2011, 08:38:36 PM »
Sorry to have posted this but I have already tried everything stated in this forum about crashing issue but my problem continues to recur.
I have installed EF 1.3 recently. When I launch it its ok then brings me to what game I want to play (i.e. skirmish, campaign, etc) I usually select skirmish and play the rostov 8 player game where I play and the rest are computers. When I click start, the game meter starts rapidly then suddenly slows down until it reach approximately 60% of the bar. When it reaches 60%, it either hangs up by hearing the music repeating itself in a cycle or I get kicked out and usually brings me to the main menu. My EF 1.3 is updated and I have already downloaded the latest 2 patches and is still not working.
My current config for my WS are as follows
AMD Athlon 7850 Dual Core Processor
2.80 GHz
4 GB ram
Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 SP3
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Cheers to all!
1GB video card
Post Merge: February 01, 2011, 08:40:14 PM
Also I have tried right clicking the launcher in my desktop and assigned it as administrator and still gives me the same result.