Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Clinxz

Pages: [1]
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Russian Munitions
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:37:35 PM »
oh so THAT'S what that armory upgrade does....
well sorry to bother you and thank you for your time :)

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Russian Munitions
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:25:05 PM »
I know this is the wrong place to say this.... but is there a way to show the upkeep in the unit description in-game?

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Russian Munitions
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:15:05 PM »
Where does it say the amount of upkeep on the unit? -.-

Bugs & Tech Support / AI infantry at start
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:13:03 PM »
While playing on Leningrad I noticed that all the AI infantry would become stuck at certain points on the map and not move till later on in the game. The AI were on hard and expert in 2 separate games and it didn't matter which faction they were. Ideas?

Bugs & Tech Support / Russian Munitions
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:06:21 PM »
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this but me and my friends have found that the munitions income doesn't always add up and in long games it tends to stop coming in all together when playing as Russians, even with the entire map capped (e.g. having points secured that add up to say... +34 but the rate next to where your munitions is displayed says +0 no matter what). This happens on any map we play on. Any ideas?

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: *NEW NEW* If your game crashes - Post here
« on: February 02, 2011, 07:30:57 AM »
Sorry to have posted this but I have already tried everything stated in this forum about crashing issue but my problem continues to recur.

I have installed EF 1.3 recently. When I launch it its ok then brings me to what game I want to play (i.e. skirmish, campaign, etc) I usually select skirmish and play the rostov 8 player game where I play and the rest are computers. When I click start, the game meter starts rapidly then suddenly slows down until it reach approximately 60% of the bar. When it reaches 60%, it either hangs up by hearing the music repeating itself in a cycle or I get kicked out and usually brings me to the main menu. My EF 1.3 is updated and I have already downloaded the latest 2 patches and is still not working.

My current config for my WS are as follows

AMD Athlon 7850 Dual Core Processor
2.80 GHz
4 GB ram
Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 SP3

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Cheers to all!
1GB video card

Have a look at what has been said in the last few comments on this page before yours.... your problem sounds exactly the same as 6izik.

You'll need to upgrade your OS to a 64bit version =\
Yes its troublesome but worth it if you can upgrade.

Personally I'm running windows 7 ultimate 64bit and it runs like a dream bar the hit and miss with various maps which cant be helped atm.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: *NEW NEW* If your game crashes - Post here
« on: January 29, 2011, 02:27:09 AM »
Map: Gilroy's Harbor
Factions involved: Russians, Americans, Germans, Elite Germans (the 2 dif axis factions)
I was in the process of defending my ally with commissars with SMG upgrade.
It crashes every game. Have suspicions it has something to do with the Germans....

Both files needed are attached. Please fix soon. Only just got it working again  :-\

Did you already uninstall CoH?

I do believe thats what I meant by re-installing.... CoH doesnt have the option to re-install directly. You have to uninstall the lot before you can re-install.

Why do you ask?

EF is working now by the way. This time the setup recognised where CoH was installed unlike before when it was making its own folder. :)

Post Merge: January 28, 2011, 09:49:42 PM
On a completely unrelated note, I dont know if anyone has pointed this out but there is a graphics error with Red Banner Strelky SMGs. The SMG does not follow the hands of the solider holding it and seems fixed in a position relative to center of the 3d models torso.


By registered I non existing o.O

So far I cant install the original CoH due to too many scratches on the CD from over use :(

Then download some UNCRACKED reap, install the game, and register it in Relic Online, using your valid key. That's what I did, when my OF disk got severely damaged (it is still useful though in startng CoH offline, for it still is recognized as valid by the game, when it starts)

Best wishes!

Are you referring to a cracked CD image?
A point in the right direction site wise would be handy. ^^ since google fails -.-"

Cheers for the Idea non the less :)

*After posting this (^^^) I ran the game and it for some reason was able to play everything from the original CoH.... ._.

Me thinks I may or may not need it....

By registered I non existing o.O

So far I cant install the original CoH due to too many scratches on the CD from over use :(

I'm re-installing all 3 CoH due to realising it was not registered in program files so will let you know if that has changes anything in about an hour...


Here is the issue... I've installed and re-installed EF from the old 1.2 installer and updated to the latest patch fine. BUT when I try playing I get this error message:

"unable to find company of heroes directory"

and gives me no option to do anything else.

I am running Windows 7 ult 64 and my CoH is retail not steam so its not the usual bug that has been sorted out in the forums. My CoH is installed separate from Program files (x86) for space reasons, though I had EF installed before the upgrade and it was working fine.

Please help! I'm a Russian tank commander just itching to blast through some German steel Q~Q

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