Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - wangdalf

Pages: [1]
Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dealing with Werh Sniper as Soviets
« on: January 15, 2011, 02:32:07 AM »
in my experience, the Wehr sniper isn't a great investment against Russians, especially early game.

usually i counter wehr snipers by rushing the great conscript horde at them, in true Enemy at the Gates style, usually forcing the sniper to back up/retreat and possibly plinking off some of his health whilst at it. Russians don't have a hard counter to snipers simply because snipers just arent that effective against the Russian horde.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: *NEW NEW* If your game crashes - Post here
« on: January 15, 2011, 01:27:33 AM »
I usually play this game with 3 friends of mine, and we've all had problems with the game crashing during 4 player matches, but never usually during a 1v1. The thing that always seems to trigger the crashes is when a player uses artillery. it's happened once when I used the command squad artillery strike as russians, and also when a werhmacht player used rocket barrage. only one player's game actually crashes when this happens and it's a different player every time.

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