« on: December 23, 2010, 03:04:17 PM »
I played EF with uncle on map Cottbus vs. normal wehrmacht and hard PE. There are 2 passages. Unlce was chosen Soviets, I chose Americans.
1st bug
I was defending right passage (fixed positions, no.2) close to my base and it was working. Uncle wasn't that luck and haven't enough experience so he has problems defending his passage. So I made 3 more ATs and send them to help him to defend. First 2 ATs come without problems. Third has problems.
It was because Germans come through forest and kill crew of third AT while he was moving. Later I tried to go through forest but couldn't do it.
IS THAT A BUG (moving through forest)? I think it is. Or CPU is cheating?
2nd bug.
Before crew was dead I send AT back to my base. Crew were killled while there were pushing AT but AT continue driving without crew.
3rd bug
Uncle was with Soviets and he wasn't getting ammo (I was getting around 30 per minute). We were same team and we had captured 2-3 ammo sectors. Later, uncle was playing alone one game with Soviets and he captured all sectors and he was getting only 9 ammo per minute.
IS THAT A BUG or it is normal for Soviets?
P.S. Why Soviets can't capture ATs, MGs, Mortars and similar?
My father think that it is because they don't know how to use it.