Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - driveandkill

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Bunch of questions
« on: April 27, 2016, 10:59:31 PM »
Greetings comrades, forum newcomer here!

I have a bunch of questions that I am wondering about:

First of all what happened to the sturmtiger? Was it in the game already or removed? I have seen many screenshots of it on moddb and I am keen to play it but I cant find it ingame? The way I understood it, it was never added yet or am I doing something wrong here because ingame the elite army doctrine says something about the Sturmtiger
Second thing, I often read that the newest update or steam release is close to release but that was over a year ago and the latest announcement was from june 22 2015 so I am unsure if this is still to be released?
Third, I read about a beta but is it still possible to get into the beta or is it strictly for close supporters of the mod?

I hope somebody can clear me up on these things! Really like the mod but totally confused with those things

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