« on: November 29, 2010, 05:35:54 PM »
Hello, I heard about this mod from a friend, and, after a considerable amount of time, have finally managed to be able to get it onto my PC. However, I'm having issues starting the game with the EF Launcher, you see, where I live, my internet connection is not all that great, and cuts out at regular intervals. Now the EF Launcher's a useful tool for anyone with a half-decent connection, but if I want to play Eastern Front and it's 2 in the afternoon, then I have to wait a good 1 or 2 hours before my connection gets itself in gear and gets running so the Launcher won't stay on 0% checking for updates that it just will not get.
So, I'm hoping that there might be some sort of workaround, mods like Blitzkrieg and European Theater: Normandy 1944 are accessed (or can be accessed) by grabbing a CoH shortcut and changing the target to (for example): "C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes\RelicCOH.exe" -dev -mod EuropeanTheater1944
Would there be any way that I might be able to do the same for EF?