Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Mankm

Pages: [1]
Bugs & Tech Support / Idiotic install instructions
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:54:01 AM »
So I've put hundreds of mods on the many games I've played. Yet this one seems to be the most broken and impossible to install of them all.

I'f downloaded and installed it a dozen times. I have the game on both directories, coh and oposing fronts off disc, and tov off steam, yet I can't get this mod to work in either.

Seems when I install it, first it asks for a path, and then it asks for a shortcut path as well, the funny thing is the shortcut path won't allow anothing but letters, no symbols quotes, brackets, paranthsis, or forward or back slashes, and whatever folder I put the "shortcut" in it never shows up. I've downloaded and redownloded this pathetic mod a dozen times, and each time it's the same thing. It will patch, but when I go to play it says it can't find the locaction of coh, regardless of following the "instructions" on this forum. Which I'm just thankful has turned me off of thism od completely. Maybe I'll check back to see if there is a response on here but I doubt it since it seems whoever made this crap has decieded it's so important to them to completely ignore that "shortcut path" step in their installation instructions.

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