Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Limni

Pages: [1]
Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dealing with Werh Sniper as Soviets
« on: September 05, 2010, 06:28:46 PM »
OK, had another go - I think I hadn't been agressive enough with my Command squad, needed to Charge then keep pressing.

This is a great Mod by the way, very well made.

Zerstorer (sorry for the lack of umlauts), yeah I know it's the same for every sniper, but the PE don't have one and I have counter-tactics for the Brits, Wehr and US. I never really play as PE so have to see how they work. Maybe in the future... I just couldn't work out how best to deal with them as Soviets.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dealing with Werh Sniper as Soviets
« on: September 05, 2010, 04:34:28 PM »
The command squad rush and mortars are things I've tried, but perhaps I need to look at them again.

I often found against the AI that the Sniper would retreat right back to base as soon as I hit him, then pop up again somewhere else. If I continued to pursue, I'd run into the opponent's base defences.

The mortar never seemed accurate enough - before a shell could hit the Sniper, he'd already killed the covering infantry.

Strategy and Tactics / Dealing with Werh Sniper as Soviets
« on: September 05, 2010, 04:13:41 PM »

I've had a good read through the forums and couldn't find a topic on this - please point me in the right direction if I've missed it.

I'm after some advice on how best to deal with a Werhmacht Sniper in the early game. The best I've managed so far is with the Soviet's own Sharpshooter team, however often the Spotter will fire first and spook the Sniper into running before the Sharpshooter can fire.

The Brits have the Bren and the US have the Jeep which are ideal, but the Soviets have no vehicles available until you can get the T70/90 out, by which time a Sniper can do a lot of damage.

Any suggestions?

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