Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - nurgle

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Red Army Suggestions / Re: Recrewing weapons and starting off as Soviet
« on: August 12, 2010, 07:43:11 PM »
OK i just played moscow again against Wehrmacht and I must say that the Zis-2 is an effective at weapon.  I tend to be a late game player where I am more held back by pop cap than by resource cost.  I guess Soviets simply do not favor my style of play.

I have really enjoyed having Eastern Front added to my COH.  They certainly add new dimension to the game.  These were just my suggestions, and I welcome them to be freely dismissed.

Post Merge: August 13, 2010, 04:41:24 AM
Just updated again and now Zis-2 replacements are 96 again.

Red Army Suggestions / Re: Recrewing weapons and starting off as Soviet
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:27:12 PM »
First off I have played the soviets against hard and expert cpu opponents for about 12 annihilation skirmishes.  I play a map as soviet then I play the same one as Wehrmacht against soviet on hard or expert.  I am very familiar with all of the units and structures.

Now let me go on record as saying I generally prefer Wehrmacht.  Because of their terrific units.  Since they have halftracks that have awesome Stukka Upgrades (for 4 pop).  They also have good snipers, stealthed AT, Heavy MG, Good tanks.  And the veterancy upgrade,  which makes recrewing elite weapons a cinch.  as a turtle player the Wehrmacht is very powerful in the late game.

I like playing the Soviets for the variety.  I like the reinforcement point OP.  but for 10 more points wehrmacht can make a building into a unit generator also (granted without resource bonus).

Soviets have great tanks, I really like the t90 for 3 pop.  IS-2 for 11 seems like a better deal than the Pershing. t34 historically was far superior to the Sherman but not so in the game.  Sniper teams are inferior to other factions.  Elite Sniper for 750 is too expensive (don't know if that was fixed in 1.23).

I find that it's far easier to beat a Soviet CPU player.  I have found that the zis-2 (at least in v1.22) is too weak against tanks.  Yes it works but You need many teams and once you count up teams 5 teams v 3. then the soviet at gun is over poped for it's power.

Red Army Suggestions / Re: Recrewing weapons and starting off as Soviet
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:34:47 AM »
Sorry about not reading the FAQ thoroughly.  I see the recrewing weapons thing was there.  I also saw the statement that the soviets were designed around that limitation by having increased weapon crew sizes.

The problem I have with that is that the soviets don't have a halftrack, or mobile reinforcement point.  Furthermore having increased crew sizes really hurts the pop cap.  So if it's designed around it then I would expect an AT gun with a pop count of 5 to be far more effective than one with 3.  since you could field 5 pak38s for 3 of the soviets.  And 5 pak38s are far more potent.  Same goes for mortar crews.

Perhaps increase the fire rate, damage or combination of both.

Red Army Suggestions / Recrewing weapons and starting off as Soviet
« on: August 12, 2010, 12:35:51 AM »
First and most simply, when you start off as the other factions you start with a unit in play, ie pioneers, engineers, infantry, etc.  But the Soviets start with nothing, they should start with a basic unit (engineer).

Second and more irritating than the first is that soviets can't recrew weapons.  Ie, a AT gun that has had it's crew killed cannot be re manned by other units.

Same goes for being able to grab an enemy heavy mg, mortar, AT Gun, etc.

Haven't had a chance to crew a flak88 but that probably doesn't work either. pretty much seems like all soviet infantry cannot recrew any weapons.

Same also goes for carried upgrades such as light machine guns, bazooka's etc

Reinforcemnt of at crew is also too expensive 96 per unit (pak38 is only 30), and they reinforce too fast.

No necessarilly a bug but It would be nice if upgrades were retroactive for units.  if not the 85mm for the t34, how about upgrade options for infantry.

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